Too bad it didn't last.

"That's not to say you couldn't relapse…" Cisco gives me a solemn look.

"I won't," I reply confidently. "Those weren't chronic attempts, Cisco. They were the precise actions of someone who had nothing left to live for."

"I'm worried about you," he awkwardly admits.

Unfortunately, my control only extends so far. I burst out laughing, looking at hisconcernedface and becoming more amused by the second.

"So you care now? Color me surprised," I add sarcastically. "I think we should just agree to not stand in each other's way. I promised I won't retaliate for anything, inanyway and I will keep that promise," I pause to look at him.

And because I think there might be a small part of him that does care, I assure him that I'll take care of myself, too.

"You gave me back my reason to live, so Iwilllive," I give him a tight smile. "I'll even continue to seek therapy. But don't," my voice turns deadly, "everbring up the past again. To Raf, or to anyone."

The last thing I need is for Raf to take a closer look at my lies—mymountainof lies. Because it's not just happened at the hacienda. It's everything before that, too.

A sad smile appears on his face as he regards me with an expression bordering on melancholy.

"Fine, Noelle. It will be as you say. I may not know everything you're hiding, but I know one thing. The pastneverstays buried. I just hope, for your sake, it won't come back to haunt you later. EvenIwon't be able to help you then."

"I won't ask. I know what I'm doing. You've always underestimated me, Cisco. Youalldid. Because as it turns out, I've been capable of helping myself all along."

And with that, I turn, leaving the office and heading back to my room where the one person who's always mattered the most awaits me.

When my memories suddenly returned, I made a harsh decision—and one that I will commit to.

Raf canneverknow the truth about what actually happened at the hacienda.

He may love me. He may love me more than I ever thought possible. But the greatest love can turn into the greatest hate.

And that's when I'll truly break. When the vile memories of the past will infiltrate every crevice of my mind until there's nothing left but madness.

Madness and death.



"You let him go again,"Andreas noted. He was sitting by the window, waiting for his boss.

Michele strode forward, his towel in his hand as he wiped at his wet locks.

"I never intended to catch him in the first place," he replied dryly, stopping next to his friend.

Andreas removed a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, offering Michele one and lighting it for him.

"Then? Sometimes you confuse me, sir," Andreas stated, his brows scrunched together as he regarded Michele closely—almost as if that alone could reveal all his deepest secrets.

Michele's shrewd gaze assessed his surroundings, noting that Andreas had built an entire area for the dog, with toys, food, and a wide variety of soft pillows on which he could sleep.

Noelle had called him Lovely. To an extent, he supposed the name fit, since the dog was awfully endearing even to his jaded eyes. He was nestled between the fluffy pillows, sleeping peacefully as if he had no care in the world.

"Do I?" Michele smiled, taking a deep drag of his cigarette. His gaze swung to the blinding city lights and the breathtaking view from his penthouse.

He confused himself, too.

He was on top of the world, literally and figuratively. He was where he'd set out to be from the beginning, and with each step he took, he was closer to his ultimate revenge—that last blow that would leave the entire world reeling.