"Depends on your definition of hurt. He didn't do much physical harm if that's what you're wondering."

He nods quietly.

"You're different," he observes as he takes a deep drag of his cigarette.

"Am I?" I smile, suddenly standing up and moving towards his decanter.

I can feel his gaze boring into my back, the tension thick as I wait for his next decree.

Pouring myself a glass of whatever Cisco has around, I take a sip, turning and watching him over my glass.

"You remember," he states.

My lips quiver with unreleased laughter. And as I lower the glass, I can't contain my amusement anymore.

It's just that Cisco doesn't share it.

He's staring at me intently, his body taut, his entire countenance murderous.

Without taking his eyes off me, he reaches for his phone, dialing a number.

"Don't come back to the house with the kids tonight.” The immediate switch in his tone tells me exactly who he's speaking to.

"Don't tell me you're scared of little old me," I chuckle.

A harsh look crosses his face.

"You remember. That's enough for me to know I need to protect my family."

"Cisco, Cisco," I tsk at him. "You're being awfully paranoid, you know that?"

"What I know," Cisco grits out, "is that if there is someone in this family who is most like myself, it's you. And I know whatIwould do."

I shrug.

"Maybe I'm biding my time."

"Don't force my hand, Noelle."

"Or what? You're not in charge of me anymore. That means you have no control over me."

"Interesting. What about your husband?"

"What about him?" I play his game, swirling the liquid in my glass as I meet his gaze head on. "In case it has escaped your notice, my husband is head over heels in love with me," I smile sweetly. "Nothing you can say or do can change that."

"Ah," he smirks. "I'd almost forgotten this mercenary side of yours. Rafaelo might be in love with you, but I doubt he knows everything, does he?"

"Oh, he knows enough. In fact," my lips quirk up in satisfaction, "it washimwho remembered first."

Cisco mulls over my words.

I'd never kid myself that hewouldn'tkill me if it came down to me or Yuyu. It's the simple nature of their relationship, just as it is of mine and Raf's.

"You have nothing to worry about from me, Cisco," I lean back in my seat. Maybe it would be more fun to truly bide my time and keep him on his toes. But I don't have time for games, and I don't want to think of what he might do to retaliate.

"I won't harm you or your family. You have my promise."

Those words don't seem to appease him. If anything, he looks even more suspicious.