Page 232 of The Counterfeit Lover

He'd only had to track down Lucero, who currently lived somewhere in Texas with her family, and get the rest of the information from her.

The result had been simply…spectacular.

For Michele.

He doubted his brother would see it as such.

Indeed, if the situation had been different, he wagered he could see Noelle as a worthy opponent, or maybe, a friend.

But as it stood, he knew she would fight tooth and nail for her goals just as Michele did for his.

Her only mistake had been in underestimating how far Michele would go for a certain…someone.

To some extent, that had beenhisas well.

Though he'd never intended to kill his brother, Michele had never wanted to make it easy for him either. But now, faced with the utter mess that was Rafaelo's life, Michele found no interest to continue with his games.

After all, wasn't Noelle herself punishment enough for his baby brother? He wagered Rafaelo had his hands more than full with what was to come.

In a way, Michele found it ironic that his brother of all would fall for someone like Noelle. Someone so like…his own mother.

Cosima's chief quality had been her flawless scheming.

She'd never cared about anyonebutRafaelo and she'd done everything in her power to ensure he was always at the top. It didn't matter that she had to step on corpses to do so. It certainly didn't matter that those she perceived as enemies had been children. For her, anyone standing against Rafaelo was to be taken out.

From what Michele had gathered about Noelle, including meeting the lady herself, he wagered she was even worse than Cosima had been.

After all, his step-mother had put herchildabove everything.

Noelle put Rafaelo above even her own child.

It was quite baffling, really, to realize someone who looked so innocent could be so vicious.

For someone who'd seen more than his fair share of cruelty in his lifetime, Michele admitted that Noelle would probably make it in his top three—and that was nothing to brag about.

Excitement drummed in his veins as he predicted how everything would unfold now.

And it was all because Noelle had dared to mess with his pet. If she'd never mentioned her name—never threatened her—then maybe he wouldn't be in this situation.

Michele's style had always been burn them before they can burn you. As such, he'd attacked Noelle before she could—turning her greatest fear into reality.

If Rafaelo was the only thing she cared about, then she'd have the greatest surprise when his love for her turned into complete…hate.

Rafaelo's reaction to Lucero's account had already been more than telling. He'd been shocked, and to an extent, in disbelief. But ultimately he'd been destroyed by the information.

Michele wondered how their confrontation would go, and as a fan of chaos, he regretted he wouldn't be able to witness that first-hand.

But everything meant he was about to close a small chapter of his life. After he double-checked that Lucero had been telling the entire truth, of course.

He wouldn't blindly believe anyone—least of all Lucero. Yes, the circumstantial evidence all pointed to her being right about Noelle's true persona and what she'd done to his brother. Still, that didn't mean that Michele, ever the skeptic, would accept the words that came out of her mouth as the pure truth.

No. Not at all. Her claims were just momentarily useful to punish Noelle for her provocation.

In fact, considering the doubts that he still had—small, but for a man such as himself, consequential enough to niggle at his brain—he wasn't about to allow the woman to leave without having a secondary plan in place.

Andreas, already apprised of Michele's suspicions, was ready to depart at the same time as her.

If there was anything Lucero was hiding from him, Michele would find out. At the same time, she would also learn that he was not a man to cross—regardless of the fact that her information had helped Michele prevail in his plans.