Page 201 of The Counterfeit Lover

What the fuck?

My hands tighten around my phone, my paranoia increasing by the minute. How could she have simply disappeared into thin air?

"She could be on the way here?" Carlos offers an optimistic alternative.

"Or someone could have taken her," I add between gritted teeth. My pulse is pounding, my temples throbbing both with painandworry.

But how else could there be absolutelynotrace of her if


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

If anything happens to Noelle because of me I won't ever forgive myself.

"Easy, Raf. The guards said there was no sign of forced entry, nor a struggle."

"Something must have happened," I speak fast, already imagining the worst. "I need to leave. I need to…"

I take a step forward just as the door to my salon opens, the person I'd least expected striding through.


He's dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black shirt topped with a leather jacket and leather gloves. His dark hair curls to his shoulders, emphasizing his pale features and those otherworldly eyes.

"Well, hullo brother," he smiles, that predatory smile of his telling me something is afoot.

"Where is Noelle?" I immediately demand. If he's here, then he must have had something to do with her disappearance.

"Where is she, indeed?" He muses, amused. "Tell your watch dog to stand down. I'm not here for any nefarious purposes," he motions towards Carlos who'd already drawn up his weapon.

"Get to the point, Michele," I roll my eyes at him.

"Right, about your wife," he chuckles. "I saw her this morning, you know," he suddenly says, though I recognize it as an attempt to rile me.

Taking a deep breath, I calm myself before I speak.


"Easy, easy. I'll tell youif," he pauses, looking at me expectantly. No doubt he's enjoying the way I'm barely in control of myself. The thought anything happening to Noelle makes me physically ill, and I'm not about to let that happen.


"If you let me tell you a little story."

"Cut the crap, Michele. What do you want?"

"Like I said. Let me tell you a little story and I'll give you all the information you want. Including," he smiles again, "Ortega's location."

My eyes widen and I shoot a look to Carlos, who gives me a brisk nod.


"Wonderful. And to see I'm not too gauche, I even brought a gift," he declares as he opens the door, ushering someone in.

Instinctively, I take a step back.

"What… How… I killed her…" I stammer, the shock of seeinghermaking me reel.