Page 129 of The Counterfeit Lover

"Rafaelo," Steve started, but Raf held up a hand.


"Raf," Steve smiled. "You're not joining in?" he asked as he brought a bottle of vodka to fill Raf's already half-empty glass. He didn't even notice, bringing it to his lips for another sip as he tried to make sense of what Steve required of him.

"What do you mean?" he asked slowly, the words almost escaping him.

Only then did he notice that more people had joined in, some girls too.

"We're playing never have I ever. You know how to play, right?"

Raf nodded. He had an idea.

"Perfect!" Steve clapped. "Greg, you start," he pointed to the guy on the other side.

"Never have I ever fucked outside," he grinned as he watched everyone around.

Raf blinked, and for a split of a second, he didn't know whether to drink or not. But then, he supposed that drinking was the punishment if he hadnotdone it.

So, he drank.

Everyone was quiet for a second, regarding him funnily before they moved on.

"Never have I ever…" the guy looked around, almost as if he wanted to ask something sneaky, "gotten into a knife fight."

A low sigh escaped Raf as he didn't drink this time. Maybe he'd be lucky, and he won't have to drink for all rounds.

No one else drank either, eliciting a laugh from the guy who asked the question.

The next person went.

"Never have I ever smoked weed," he laughed as he popped a joint into his mouth and lit it up.

Everyone but Raf drank. He frowned. He'd smoked with his father's men. But why was everyone drinking? Including those who were clearly smoking now.

The questions continued, all involving sex, acts of vandalism and things that seemed to be regarded ascoolby everyone.

Raf was already so gone that even if he wanted to lie, he wouldn't have been able.

Steve's turn was up, and Raf regarded him with slight apprehension, knowing that soon it would behimwho had to come up with a question.

"Never have I ever been in an orgy," Steve said, looking around expectantly.

Raf, who clearly hadn't, went ahead to drink, realizing too late that everyone was staring at him—including Steve.

"You've been in an orgy," he blinked, taken aback.

"Of c-course not," Raf answered, flustered.

"Then why are you drinking?"

"Oh, no, he must have thought you drank if you haven't done it."

"Wait, wait," another guy put his hand up, standing on wobbly feet. "You mean you've gotten into a knife fight?"

Raf blinked in confusion, slowly nodding. His head was already swimming in alcohol, his confidence suddenly soaring.

"No shit!" more noise.