Page 117 of The Counterfeit Lover

The waiter comes back with a glass of whiskey for me and a low-alcohol cocktail for her.

She takes a few sips before leaving her drink on the table and moving towards the balustrade to look down into the crowd.

"Don't tell me you want to gothere?" I ask as I join her, still a little horrified at the thought. There's a certain longing on her face as she gazes at the people dancing with wild abandon, moving to the music as they let the freedom of the night envelop them.

"They look like they're having so much fun, don't they?" she sighs.

We spend a little more time sipping on our drinks, but Noelle keeps walking back to the balustrade, simply staring at the crowd.

"That's it," I finally say, resigned.

I won't die for one night, will I?



Swooping her in my arms,I take her down the stairs and into the dancing crowd, making sure her body is flush against mine.

Once we're safely ensconced in a corner on the periphery, I lead her into a dance, wanting her to experience this to the fullest.

Her eyes sparkle with warmth as she looks at me, and going on her tiptoes, she kisses my cheek.

"You're the best, Raf," she whispers, and somehow, though the music is much louder here, I hear her perfectly.

I don't answer, merely smiling at her as we move to the beat, laughing when both our movements are a bit rusty compared to everyone else.

"Do you even know how to dance?" she laughs.

"Not this type," I grumble.

A mix of techno and pop, it's definitely not the ballroom type I'd been taught when I was younger.

"You can do it," the little minx tells me, taking my hand and dragging me a little further into the crowd.

Cheers erupt when a certain song comes on, and people start jumping up and down.

Both Noelle and I try to emulate the movements. Well, more her than me as I already feel a little awkward for standing out like a sore thumb with my height, with most people shorter than me.

She has such a huge smile on her face though, that soon any self-conscious thought disappears as I lose myself in her, holding her body next to mine as we jump around.

And sneaking one hand into my pocket, I activate her vibrator, increasing the intensity as she jumps up and lowering it when she's down.

Her mouth opens on a little mewling sound, her hands tightening around my biceps as she erupts right before my eyes.

"Raf," she breathes out harshly, laying her head on my chest to ground herself. Pleased with myself, I simply caress her back, touching her lightly as she comes down from her high.

The song changes. We're both sweaty messes at this point, but I can't find it in myself to care.

Chuckling lightly at her dazed expression, I lead her to the bar, helping her perch on one of the stools and inviting her to order whatever she wants.

Because fuck it. We're here, she might as well feel good. And I trust myself to take care of her.

"I want…" she pauses, scrunching her nose in concentration. "A Long Island," she declares proudly.

"I'll have the same," I tell the bartender.

Our drinks arrive, and I can't take my eyes off Noelle as she slowly sips, her pouty lips wrapped around that goddamn straw…