And that was a double edged sword he didn't know how to deal with.
Andreas was certain Miss Venezia was the key to his happiness—that she alone could get him out of the hole he'd sunk himself in. But he was also aware she was his trigger. One wrong move and she could make him explode unlike ever before.
Michele, to his core, was a calm and collected man who favored well-thought out plans to impulsive displays—and thoseonlyto send a message. But Miss Venezia instilled too strong feelings in him. So strong, in fact, that he simply lost himself to everything but the sight of her, gaining a tunnel vision that wasn't most lucrative to his plans.
Andreas had seen Michele behave like that once before. It had been right after Nicolo and Cami's deaths when he'd been so blinded by a deadly cocktail of grief and anger that he'd acted without thinking things through—he'd done it just because he could.
In that moment, nothing mattered but the end result—theendof Nicolo's killers. And so he'd made mistake after mistake that had resulted in McBride's men coming after him and Solomon.
Andreas knew his boss still blamed himself for everything. But how could he when he'd been just a twenty-something year old overwhelmed by the weight of his feelings?
Yet that was the prime example of how Michele acted when his entire focus became wrapped in one goal—one person. He lost sight of everything around, of logic and of common sense, until pure actions remained—often, disastrous actions.
It was one of the reasons why he'd shut down so completely after Solomon's death.
He'd recognized his weakness for what it was and sought to eliminate it—eliminate his feelings.
Yet now that weakness was poking through the surface again. And Andreas didn't like where things were headed.
Michele had suppressed his emotions for far too long, and now that they could prove not only destructive, but debilitating to his plan, he might strike out in an even worse fashion.
Andreas was worried.
Not only for Michele but also for Miss Venezia.
"I'll be out late today. Make sure the dog has all he needs?" Michele suddenly mentioned, closing out all his files.
"Of course, sir," Andreas immediately nodded, watching as Michele shrugged his leather jacket over his broad shoulders.
It was too hot outside for a jacket, but not for Michele.
Always, he was the exception to the rule.
"Good. Talk to you later," Michele said absentmindedly as he pocketed the keys to his car.
Leaving his office, he jumped in his car, driving to the area where his pet's classroom was located. It was a summer tutoring center that taught a slew of disciplines and had a section for learning disabilities too. Covertly, he'd made a small donation to ensure that their conditions were top-notch and that the classes didn't have too many students—something his pet hadn't been too keen on.
As he parked the car across the road, he checked his watch, noting he still had plenty of time before she finished.
A couple of days ago she'd had her doctor check-up. It had come rather late since Michele had kept interfering with the doctors Assisi would choose. When she'd finally found a properfemaledoctor, he'd allowed the appointment to continue.
Michele himself had been rather curious of the results—more than he'd dared admit out loud. Particularly after he'd seen her bleed on video, he'd become increasingly worried that he'd done irreparable damage.
But he'd curbed that excitement, just as he'd curbed everything relating to her lately.
The visit to Solomon's tomb had given him a much needed clarity that he'd been…reckless. Not in the messy sense, and certainly not in his business dealings.
But he'd been messy enough that hecouldhave been.
He'd become so wrapped up in her ever since he'd realized there was a chance someone else could come and sweep her from under his nose that he'd spent almost all his time monitoring her.
Day and night.
He went to sleep with her sleeping on the monitor and he woke up with the same image. He evenatewhen she ate.
Certainly his fixation had taken a turn for the worse after he'd hurt her.
Guilt mixed with longing had made him act unlike himself—unlike he'd programmed himself previously.