Page 204 of The Counterfeit Lover

"I should remind you that you're the one who sent me back home.Alone," I fire back, doing my best to keep the breathlessness out of my voice.

"You know why," he sighs. "That is not to say that I'm not regretting it. Atinybit," he chuckles.

"You'd better regret it a whole lot more than a tiny bit," I add as I gaze around, scanning the terrace for any sign of occupancy. The last thing I need right now is for someone to catch me like thiswhileon the phone with Raf. Well, scratch that. The last thing I need is tofallwhile on the phone with my husband.

I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate that.

"How is it that I've been on my own most of my life but the moment you're not with me for more than an hour I go crazy with missing you?"


"I needed to hear your voice, ok?" He grumbles. "Texting is not enough."

"You need to rest. You took a pretty bad blow to the head," I say as I spot a flash of movement deep into the terrace. "Oh, the water's boiling in the kettle. I'll talk to you later. Love you," I say and before he can reply, I quickly bring my hand to the ear piece to cut off the call.

At the same time, the noise of a door sliding open demands my focus. Bringing my hand back to the bar, I move to the right as fast as I can so I'm out of direct view.

A man comes out, a cigarette in his hand as he paces back and forth on the terrace, spewing clipped commands into his phone.

His attention seems to be wholly on his phone call and he doesn't notice the dangling legs from the side of the terrace.

Holding on to the bar, I pray he quickly finishes his cigarette and leaves since I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to hang on like this—not when my hands are becoming clammier with sweat.

It feels like forever before he finally flings his cigarette to the ground, heading back into the house and slamming the door behind him with a thud.

Releasing a relieved breath, I move a little more to the side until I'm sure I can land on the terrace without making too much ruckus. Still, there's still the matter of the pebbles on the ground and I gulp down as I try to ignore the thought of what will happen.

Like before, I swing myself on the bar, yet this time it's more precarious as my hands are already too sweaty to not guarantee that I'll slip if I push myself too hard.

When I consider I've built enough momentum, I let myself go, pushing my hands forward as I fly towards the ground in order to cushion my fall as best as I can.

The pebbles are blunt, but they still dig into my palms and knees, and every bit of flesh that comes into contact with them.

I swallow it all down as I focus solely on the end objective—one more floor.

Taking a few pebbles, I rub them together to create some dust, which I then lather all over my palms to remove some of the residual sweat. Then, I swiftly go back to the railing, repeating the process.

By the time I manage to get down, my muscles are aching, my hands full of tiny abrasions that sting as hell.

Still, I'm not deterred.

There are a couple of people that see me jump down from the last floor, but as I give them a dazzling smile, they just ignore me, going about their day.

Glancing at my watch, I note it's taken me about an hour to scale down the building, and that means the guards will soon do their rounds. To go unrecognizable in case they come by earlier than intended, I pull out the cap from my pouch, placing it over my head. I tip it down to cover my face before heading down the street and losing myself in the crowd.

The moment I reach the main road, I hail a cab, instructing the driver to go to my brother's place and paying in cash once we stop in the back of the house.

Knowing Cisco, security must be even tighter now that Yuyu could be in danger. And that means he must have hired a lot of additional guards to patrol the inside of the house. In addition to that, there's also his security system, which will trigger the alarm at the first sign of an intruder.

For a second, I ponder whether I should actually use the front door andaskfor the information. But even if Cisco were to give it to me, I wouldn't trust that there isn't something missing, or that he's given me the wrong one. With my brother, both would not only be possible, but to be expected.

Considering the urgency of the situation, I can't afford to waste time, or make any mistakes. Who knows when Ortega might decide to strike next and catch Raf with his guard down? I won't take any chances with it.

That also means that I need to improvise an entry point.

Instead of going straight for Cisco's house, I go to the neighboring one, going down the steps to the basement. The lock is easy enough to pick and in no time I find myself inside the house.

I don't hear too much noise, so I'll have to hope no one is home at this time.