Page 197 of The Counterfeit Lover

Driving has generally been a pleasant pastime—one where I could relax and forget about my problems for a moment. Yet as I get closer and closer to my sister's place, I can't help but go over what I remember in an attempt to make some sense of it so I can convey it more properly.

Deep in thought, I don't even realize the car following me until it's too late. My eyes widen as I spot it into the side mirror. More alarming is the fact that it's too close to me for comfort.

I can't afford to bring anyone dangerous in Gianna's life, so instead of continuing with my course I exit the main road, the other car following suit.

At first, I think it could be just a scout, but as soon as we're out of public eye, the car becomes increasingly aggressive, hitting my bumper and trying to take me off the road.

Veering to the right, I spare a glance to the GPS, noting that I'm somewhere at the periphery of the city—certainly the area looks abandoned enough. There would be no casualties if a fight were to erupt.

The car keeps taunting me, hitting my bumper before retreating.

In the beginning, I'm more than sure I can deal by myself with that.

But I'm not in the right headspace, and that severely affects the speed of my movements.

Where I should try to avoid getting hit, I barely manage to swerveafterit happens.

"Damn it," I curse out, my hand already reaching for my gun.

Yet one moment is all it takes for my attention to be occupied by something else and for the other car to take advantage of it.

No longer a playful hit, this time it catches me at the right angle to push my car off the road. It's with enough strength that I lose control of the steering wheel.

The road is elevated, which means I'm fucking free falling.

Holding on tightly, I say a small prayer that the car won't get too damaged on the way down—and me with it.

A few flips and bumps on the uneven ground and it finally stabilizes itself in a ditch.

The airbag flies in my face as I draw a deep breath in, trying to calm myself and think straight for a moment.

I need to get out first. Yes, that's the most important. I don't know what got damaged in the tumble to the ground and an explosion could easily be afoot.

Getting my bearings together, I unsnap my seatbelt. Taking my gun with me, I kick at the car's door until it gives way, allowing me to exit the vehicle.

My head hurts like hell, and as I bring a hand up, it's to note blood on my fingers. Blinking, I realize some of it is also pouring down my face.

"Fuck…" I mutter, bringing my arm to my forehead and wiping most of the blood away.

I must have hit my head against the steering wheel before the airbags got deployed.

Stepping away from the car, I do a quick assessment of the situation while pinging my location to Carlos to ask for backup.

I'm not afraid of facing a few men out for blood, but I'm not yet sure how bad my head wound is, and considering my sight is starting to fog a little, I'd say I have a small window of time before I'm out of commission.

Sure enough, a few seconds later and I see a few men coming down the hill, all dressed in black suits and carrying weapons with them.

One. Two. Three. Four.

Four isn't that bad. If I'm fast.

My aim is also likely faulty, this fucking headache making it hard to focus.

Yet, focus I must.

They don't notice me right away, and I take advantage of that to hide behind a tree nearby.

Two of the men head straight for the car, while the other two look around, one seemingly talking on the phone.