"Andthatmakes you devious, Noelle. I almost feel sorry for my poor brother."

"You still haven't told me why you hate him so much."

"You'll find out at the right time. After all, it's all about the delivery," he winks at me. "The time and the place."

Stopping in front of a door, he unlocks it, motioning me inside. All this time, Andreas has been trailing quietly behind us, no doubt making sure I don't do anything stupid.

As if a five foot woman stands a chance against two giant men.

Then again, Michele's words ring true. Why fight when you can win an argument via mind games? That's the only reason I haven't made my stay here more difficult than it had to be. After all, I'll get my wish fulfilled if I behave.

Lucero will be no more.

But the question remains. Will Raf choose me?

At my best moments, I want to believe he would. At my worst? I know he won't.

I'm gambling away the last bit of sanity I have left.

"She's inside, too?"

"She is. But don't worry, you won't get to interact with her just yet. Andreas will make sure you both stay in your lane," he says as he takes me inside, pointing towards a chair and strapping me to it.

A while later, Lucero is being let through another entrance, strapped to a chair much like my own.

She gives me a wide and confused look, but the moment she's tied to the chair, Andreas is quick to put sound mufflers over her ears and a blindfold over her eyes.

Well, Michele might not be that bad after all.

I don't think I could have focused with her next to me, my instincts primed to end her.

Even now, ugly jealousy churns in my stomach as images flash before my eyes, all of how I'd like to kill her. One more gruesome than the other, I let my imagination loose as I inhale deeply, almost smelling the scent of blood in the air.

Hell, how I'll enjoy that.

There's a screen in front of each of our seats. According to Michele, that's how we'll see Raf and the choices he will ultimately make.

Choose me.

Please choose me…

Yet I know what I signed up for—the madness that will ensue once everything comes to pass.

Maybe Michele was right. Maybe what I feel for him isn't love—because at every step of the way it's been so much more.

To call it an obsession would be to negate everything that happened until now—everything that made me love him the way I do.

It's not a matter of throwing a dice. It's not black and white.

What I feel for him borders on insane, and there isnoplace for altruism. Not when I feel like I begin and end with him—that his death is entwined with mine, just how mine is with his. We don't exist in separate realms—there's just us.

It might be odd.

It might be insane.

And I'm sure as hell it's not normal.

Yet all I know is that we're tied together, him and I. We're connected beyond this reality.