Page 111 of The Counterfeit Lover

A part of me feels guilty for being so absent. For two years we've been around each other almost daily, growing together and spending time like a true family. Even as we'd arrived in New York we'd continued to be close and on good terms.

But it had all changed with Panchito's actions. I refrain from calling it a betrayal, though that's exactly what it is, but deep down I can understand why he'd done it—just like I would have done it myself if Noelle's life had been on the line.

And therein lies the dilemma, because my pretty girlhadbeen involved. So for that I find myself in the awkward position of being unable to forgive, but also unable to kill him as my gut tells me to do.

I don't have many limits, but Noelle is where I draw the line.

"Yes," Anita replies. Panchito lowers his gaze, sighing deeply. "We've been making some headway into finding the people who killed Thomas' family, and we're focusing on that for now," she adds matter-of-factly.

The plan had been to figure out who'd ordered the assassination in order to find out who'd put the bounty on Thomas.

"What about you?" I nod to the two of them.

"I'm never getting rid of the price on my head," Anita shrugs. "It's dead or…dead. Panchito won't either. Maybe if we get new faces," she muses out loud, looking back at Panchito. "We could do that."

"Or not," he mumbles. "I don't think that's the solution."

"It could be one…"

They start bickering on the merits of plastic surgery, while Thomas is back with his headphones on, running on the treadmill and ignoring me so I take that as my cue to leave.

Going to the back, I see the door is half-open. Pushing it with my foot, I step inside, finding Carlos sitting on the floor in the far end of the warehouse, his computer in his lap as he furiously types away.


It takes him a moment to realize I'm in the room. Glancing up, he raises a brow, putting his laptop aside and getting to his feet.

"Didn't see you there," he grunts, looking a little disheveled.

I narrow my eyes at him.

"What was that?" I nod towards the computer.

"We have a bit of an issue that I was trying to get to the bottom of," he grimaces. "Come," he motions to a table and a few chairs.

I follow him, taking a seat and waiting for him to speak.

"Ortega is in New York," he suddenly states, going straight to the topic.

"He's what?" I blink.

"I'm surprised about it myself. And I wouldn't have believed he had the guts to come by himself if I didn't run into him."

My eyes widen.

"What happened?"

"Let's just say that it got a little bloody," he smirks as he points at the scraped skin off his knuckles. "He got away before I could do real damage, though. Not surprising considering he's always been a coward."

"Why didn't you tell me when we spoke on the phone?" I frown.

We've been conducting meetings every now and then since we're still together in the weapons trade—for now. Yet he'd never once mentioned it.

"I didn't want to ruin your honeymoon," he chuckles. "I know you needed time with Noelle, especially after finding out who she really was."

A smile tugs at my lips, and bringing my hand to his back, I pat him lightly.

"Thanks. But if you're in danger you know you can always count on me," I assure him.