"Damn it,Morgan," he growled, kicking at the dirt beneath his feet. "Whydidn't you wait for backup?"
He knew she wasstubborn and fiercely independent, but this was different. This was life ordeath, and Derik couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible hadhappened to her.
"Okay,"he said, taking a deep breath and forcing himself to focus. "You need tofind her, Derik. You can't let her down again."
With reneweddetermination, he gripped the tracking device tightly in his hand and began tosearch for any sign of his partner. He refused to give up on Morgan—she was outthere somewhere, and he would find her, no matter what it took.
The wind pickedup, sending a shiver down Derik's spine as he stood in the empty lot outsidethe warehouse. A sense of dread began to gnaw at him, feeding on his growingfear for Morgan. He couldn't shake the horrible feeling that she had gone to facethe killer alone - or worse that John Pesci had gotten to her first.
"God damnit," Derik muttered under his breath, clenching the tracking device sohard his knuckles turned white.
His heart raced,thoughts spiraling out of control. He knew what Morgan was capable of, but healso knew the monster they were up against. John Pesci was a cold-bloodedkiller who took pleasure in causing pain and suffering. What if...?
"Focus,Derik!" he scolded himself, forcing his mind back to the present. Panic wouldn'thelp Morgan now. What would, however, was finding her.
Morgan's heartthundered in her chest as she strained against the ropes binding her hands.Sweat beaded on her forehead, the effort to free herself leaving her muscles trembling.All the while, John Pesci approached Harriet with a needle, his deformed facetwisted in cruel anticipation.
Come on, damnit! Morgan thought desperately. She could feel therope starting to give way, but she needed more time. Time she didn't have.
"Pleasedon't hurt me," Harriet whimpered, tears streaming down her face as shestared into the eyes of her tormentor.
"Shh,"John cooed, an unsettling smile curving his lips. "This will only hurt fora moment, my dear."
"Hey,Pesci!" Morgan shouted, hoping to buy herself those precious few extraseconds. "Why don't you come over here and deal with me instead?"
John hesitated,glancing over at Morgan with a look of irritation. "You're not goinganywhere, Agent Cross. I'll deal with you in due time."
"Your time'srunning out," she spat back, her fingers finally finding purchase on theknot.
With one final,desperate tug, she felt the rope give way. The sudden release sent a surge ofadrenaline coursing through her veins, and she seized the opportunity.
"John,"Morgan interjected, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing throughher veins. "She didn't mean anything by it. Don't take it out on her.Focus on me."
The distractionseemed to work as John turned his attention back to Morgan, his eyes narrowingwith suspicion. "What are you playing at?"
"Nothing,"she replied, her heart pounding. "I just know that whatever you're goingthrough, hurting Harriet won't help."
"Save yourpity," he spat, taking a step closer to Morgan. "I don't needit."
"Maybe not,"Morgan conceded, her fingers twitching toward the loosened restraint. "Butthere's something else you do need, isn't there? Something you've been chasingall this time."
"Shutup," John growled, but Morgan could tell she had struck a nerve. Shecontinued, her voice gaining strength as she spoke.
"Beauty,John. That's what you want, isn't it? You think these... experiments will makeyou beautiful again. But they won't."
"Enough!"John roared, but Morgan pressed on, knowing she was close to freeing herself.
"You can'tsteal beauty from others, John," she said, her fingers brushing againstthe cool metal of the scalpel as she finally wrenched her hand free from itsrestraint. "No matter how many women you hurt or how much youth you try toextract—it won't change who you are. Your actions have made you monstrous, andit won't save you from your own twisted reflection."
"Silence!"John shouted. Good. It was working. She needed him away from Harriet. Once hegot close enough, she'd get him.
"You're anugly piece of work; you know that? You look old, wrinkly, disgusting. No wonderyou're so obsessed with youth."
John stopped inhis tracks and turned away from Harriet, his eyes narrowing dangerously as hefocused on Morgan. She smiled smugly, knowing she had successfully diverted hisattention from his hostage.
"Excuseme?" he snarled, taking a menacing step towards her. The needle in hishand gleamed under the harsh overhead lighting.