Page 37 of For Wrath

He didn't move orrespond. With a sigh, she pushed herself up and walked over to him, nudging hisfoot with her own. "Derik, come on," she urged more forcefully.Still, no reaction.

"Useless,"she mumbled under her breath, turning away from him. There was no time to wastein trying to rouse him. She had work to do, a killer to catch.

Morgan picked upher phone from the coffee table, noticing several missed calls and messages.Among them was a confirmation for an appointment she had scheduled with Be YouBeauty Clinic for a consultation with Dr. Terrance Reid. She glanced back atDerik, passed out on her couch, knowing that if he were awake, he'd insist onaccompanying her. But she couldn't risk it; this was her chance to get close tothe man who might be behind the recent string of murders.

"Sorry,Derik," she whispered, stroking Skunk's head as the dog continued to watchhim warily. "This one's on me."

As Morganprepared to leave, she made sure her FBI badge and gun were securely hiddenbeneath her jacket. It was essential that she maintained her cover, playing thepart of a potential patient. If Dr. Reid was truly the killer, she needed tocatch him off guard, and the element of surprise was her best weapon.

"Take careof him, Skunk," she instructed her loyal dog, nodding at thestill-unconscious Derik. With that, she left the apartment, determination setin her eyes. This was a lead she couldn't afford to miss - for the victims andfor herself.


The morning sunstreamed through the large windows of Be You Beauty Clinic as Morgan walked in,the sound of her heels clicking on the polished marble floor. The clinic wasbustling with activity - staff members in crisp white uniforms scurried aboutwhile clients chatted excitedly about their upcoming treatments.

"Goodmorning! How can I help you today?" The friendly receptionist greeted herwith a warm smile.

"Hi, I'mLacy," Morgan lied smoothly, returning the woman's smile. "I have anappointment with Dr. Reid."

"Of course!Please have a seat, and Dr. Reid will be with you shortly."

Morgan nodded herthanks and took a seat in the waiting area, trying to blend in with the otherclients. She looked around at the impeccably designed space, with its glossymagazines showcasing flawless models and shelves lined with high-end beautyproducts. It was a world completely foreign to her.

As she flippedthrough one of the magazines, Morgan couldn't help but feel detached from thisrealm of beauty and vanity. At forty, she had more important things to worry aboutthan the latest anti-aging creams or the newest cosmetic procedures. And yet,here she was, undercover and on the hunt for a cold-blooded killer.

She absentlyrubbed the bridge of her nose, feeling the weight of her years in this placefilled with youth and perfection. But that didn't matter; she had a job to do,and she would see it through to the end.

"Dr. Reid isready to see you now, Lacy," the receptionist said, interrupting Morgan'sthoughts. Her heart began to race in anticipation as she stood, preparingherself for the confrontation that might lie ahead.

"Thankyou," she replied, forcing a gracious smile while mentally steelingherself for what was to come. This was it - the moment she'd been waiting for.

As she followedthe receptionist down the hallway, Morgan couldn't help but think of Derik, whopassed out on her couch. Would he be disappointed in her for going rogue? Orwould he understand her need to bring this killer to justice?

She pushed thosethoughts aside, focusing on the task at hand. She was here to catch a killer,and nothing else mattered.

"Good luckwith your consultation," the receptionist said as she showed Morgan into asmall room. "Dr. Reid will be right in."

"Thankyou," Morgan replied, taking a deep breath. It was time to face the manwho might be responsible for so much pain and suffering. And she was ready.

The door clickedshut behind her, leaving Morgan alone in the small examination room. She took aseat on the paper-covered table, her eyes scanning the pristine space. Thesterile smell of disinfectant and latex gloves hung heavy in the air. Besideher, an array of gleaming instruments lay neatly arranged on a tray, theirsharp edges glinting beneath the fluorescent lights.

"Hello,Lacy," Dr. Reid said as he entered the room with a warm smile. "I'mDr. Terrance Reid. It's very nice to meet you."

Morgan studiedhim briefly, her heart pounding against her ribcage. In front of her stoodSteve Blanchard, his face shaved clean and topped with a toupee. Coloredcontacts hid the cold, calculating eyes she had seen in countless photos. Hisdisguise was good but not good enough.

"Nice tomeet you too, Doctor," she replied, feigning interest. "Thank you forseeing me on such short notice."

"Of course.Now, what brings you here today? What kind of work are you interested in havingdone?"

"Actually,"Morgan said hesitantly, "I've been doing some research about cosmeticsurgery, and I came across an article about a clinic that used to be in thisarea. I was wondering if you might have any information about it. It wascalled... Rejuvenation Aesthetics, I think?"

Dr. Reid's smilefaltered ever so slightly, his eyes narrowing just a fraction. "I'm notsure what that has to do with your consultation," he said, trying tomaintain a friendly tone. "But I suppose I can try to answer yourquestions."

"Thankyou," Morgan said, pushing her advantage. "I'm just curious about thehistory of the place. Apparently, they shut down rather abruptly, and I'd liketo know why. I mean, if it's something I should be concerned about beforecommitting to a procedure..."

"Ah,well," Dr. Reid stammered, the color draining from his face. "I'm notsure where you heard that, but I don't know much about it. I'm afraid I can'thelp you with that information."

"Surely youmust have heard something?" Morgan pressed, keeping her tone light andinquisitive. "It was quite popular at one point, wasn't it? And thenjust... gone."