Page 35 of For Wrath

"Aboutwhat?" she demanded, her patience wearing thin. She crossed her armsdefensively, feeling a mix of frustration and concern churning inside her.

"About...everything,"he said, his eyes searching hers as if seeking forgiveness. "I know Ihaven't been completely honest with you."

"Damn right,you haven't," Morgan snapped, her anger flaring at the memory of theirlast conversation. "You've been keeping secrets from me, Derik. What'sgoing on?"

"Please,"he pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just hear me out..."

As Morgan gazedinto Derik's weary eyes, she realized that this was more than just aboutsecrets or the case – this was about trust and the fragile bond they'd builtover the years. She knew he had his reasons for keeping things from her, butcould she find it in herself to forgive him?

"Derik, Ithink it's best if you leave," Morgan said firmly, her eyes narrowing asshe regarded him with a mix of concern and frustration.

"Please,Morgan...I just need to—" Derik started to protest, but his words were cutoff as he swayed dangerously on the doorstep, his face turning even paler thanbefore. Instinctively, Morgan reached out and grabbed his arm to steady him,her anger momentarily forgotten in the face of his obvious distress.

"Okay,okay," she relented, guiding him into her apartment with a sigh."Come inside, but we're going to talk about this."

As she helped himacross the threshold, Morgan couldn't help but notice the strong smell ofalcohol that clung to him. She frowned, confused by this sudden change inbehavior; as far as she knew, Derik had been sober for years. What could havepossibly driven him to relapse now?

"Sitdown," she instructed, steering him toward the couch. He practicallycollapsed onto the cushions, his green eyes glassy and unfocused.

"Thanks,"he mumbled, rubbing at his temples as if trying to clear his head. In spite ofher lingering anger, Morgan felt a surge of pity for him; whatever was goingon, it was clearly tearing him apart.

"Derik,"she began, her voice firm but gentle, "you need to tell me what's goingon."

He looked up at her;his expression clouded with pain and desperation. "You don't understand,Morgan," he slurred, struggling to string his thoughts together."There's so much at stake here...I can't let you get hurt."

"By keepingsecrets from me?" she asked incredulously, feeling her anger flare oncemore. "How is that supposed to protect me, Derik?"

"Trust me,it's for your own good," he insisted, his gaze pleading. "You have topromise me...promise me you'll leave the past behind. Do it for me,Morgan."

His words hung heavilyin the air between them, their meaning painfully clear. He was asking her tolet go of everything that had happened - all the lies, the betrayals, and theheartache. But could she really do that? Could she put her faith in a man whohad kept so much from her?

No, she couldn't.

She neededanswers.

She deservedthem.

"Derik,"she said slowly, weighing her options, "I don't know if I can make thatpromise."

"Please,"he begged, his eyes filling with tears. "I'd do anything to keep you safe,Morgan. Anything at all."

"Derik, Ineed you to explain," Morgan demanded, her frustration evident in hervoice. "Tell me what's going on."

"Can''stoo...dangerous," he mumbled, struggling to focus on Morgan's face. Hisspeech was disjointed, and his words seemed to slip away from him like sandthrough his fingers.

"Derik!"she snapped, losing patience. "I can't help you if you won't tell me whatyou're talking about!"

""he echoed, confusion plastered across his features. He appeared disoriented asif he couldn't quite remember what they had been discussing.

Morgan sighed,feeling a mixture of emotions as she looked at Derik in his current state. Hewas vulnerable, clearly in pain, and she couldn't deny the feelings that stilllingered for him, despite everything that had happened. But she was also angry- angry at him for keeping secrets and putting her life at risk.

"Fine,"she relented, her voice softening. "We'll talk in a few hours when you'remore coherent. Get some rest, Derik."

"Wait,"he slurred, reaching out for her hand as if to stop her from leaving."Need to...protect you, Morgan."

"Protect mefrom what?" she asked, but he had already slipped into unconsciousness onher couch, his grip on her hand loosening.

Morgan gentlyextricated herself from his grasp, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her earas she sighed heavily. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion anduncertainty, and she knew that sleep would be difficult to come by. As sheclimbed back into bed, she stared at the ceiling, her mind racing withquestions she had no answers for.