Page 21 of For Wrath

"Promise meyou'll be careful out there. Don't be reckless with your life." Theconcern in his eyes was genuine, and for a moment, she allowed herself tobelieve that maybe, just maybe, Derik wasn't the one who had set her up.

"Ofcourse," she whispered, feeling the weight of his gaze as she turned away."I promise."

Morgan glancedout the window, noting the gray clouds that hung low in the sky, reflecting herown turbulent emotions. The sterile smell of the hospital room was suffocating,and she desperately wanted to be outside, breathing fresh air and chasing downleads. She turned back to Derik, who was sitting up in his bed, the IV drip astark reminder of his vulnerability.

"Hey,"Derik said softly, tentatively reaching for her again. His fingertips brushedher forearm. "I just wanted to say... thanks for taking this case, Morgan.I know things are complicated with the FBI and Mueller right now."

His touch sent anunexpected shiver through her body, and she pulled her hand away, rubbing itagainst her pant leg as if to erase the sensation. "It's my job,Derik."

"No, I meanit." He met her gaze, his eyes filled with gratitude and something else –a tenderness that caught her off guard. "You didn't have to do this,especially not after everything you've been through."

Morgan felt herface heat up, the memory of her time in prison still a raw wound. "I canhandle it," she mumbled, avoiding his eyes.

"Is theresomething you're not telling me?" Derik asked, his voice laced withconcern. "You seem... distant."

Of course, I'mdistant, she thought, but all she said was,"I'm just tired, Derik. This case is getting to me." She forced a smileand patted his arm. "Get some rest, okay? We'll talk later."

"Alright,"he agreed, though his eyes searched hers for any signs of deception. "Takecare of yourself, Morgan."

As she walked outof the hospital room, Morgan's thoughts swirled like the storm clouds outside.Derik had been her rock before her life fell apart, and now that she wasfinally putting the pieces back together, she was terrified of losing himagain. But she couldn't let her feelings cloud her judgment – not when a killerwas on the loose and not when she still didn't know if she could trust the manwho had once meant so much to her.


Morgan steppedinto the dimly lit above-ground parking lot of the hospital, the scent ofexhaust fumes and rain hanging in the air. Her heels clicked against the coldconcrete as she made her way to her car, each step echoing through the vastexpanse. She absently twirled her car keys around her finger, her thoughtsconsumed by Derik.

Maybe he'sgenuinely trying to help, she mused, rememberinghis sincere gaze. But doubt gnawed at her insides like a persistent itch shecouldn't quite reach. Why would he have files on Darren La Roux? What isn'the telling me?

She searched forher car among the rows of parked cars, raindrops speckled on their surfaces,shimmering under the fluorescent lights above. The weight of uncertaintypressed down on her shoulders, making it hard to breathe. Trusting Derik couldbe life-changing, but if she misjudged him again, it could cost her everything.

Damn it,Derik. I want to believe in you; I really do.

Just as sheturned a corner, a scuffling sound caught Morgan's attention, causing her tofreeze in place, every muscle in her body tensing. Her eyes darted back andforth across the parking lot, searching for the source of the noise.

There, reflectedin one of the round convex mirrors placed strategically throughout the lot, shesaw him – a shadowy figure clad in a dark hoodie, lurking by her car.

Morgan's handtightened around the grip of her gun as she inched closer to her car, her heartpounding in her ears. The man remained motionless as if he hadn't noticed herapproach, but she knew better. He was waiting for something – someone.


Every fiber inher was shocked to life. Every instinct told her to protect herself from thismysterious stranger.

Morgan drew hergun and crept up, kneeling low. The figure didn't notice her, remaining still.

"Freeze!FBI!" she yelled, leveling her gun at the figure and watching hisshoulders tense under the fabric of his hoodie. She held her breath, the airstinging her lungs as her finger hovered over the trigger. Morgan couldn'tshake the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that this man held the keyto unraveling the mystery that had haunted her for years.

"Turn aroundslowly, hands where I can see them," she ordered, her voice steady despitethe adrenaline coursing through her veins. There was no response, onlydeafening silence as the man seemed to weigh his options.

The man finallymoved, though not in the way she'd hoped.

In one swiftmotion, he pivoted on his heel and took off running, his footsteps echoingthrough the parking lot. Morgan cursed and gave chase, her heels clackingagainst the concrete as she leaped over cars and obstacles in her path. Sheknew she couldn't just shoot him without cause--she was already in hot enoughwater with the Darren situation.

"Stop!"she shouted, her breath fogging up in the frigid air. "Federalagent!"

Every fiber ofher being screamed at her to catch the man, but he was faster than she'danticipated. As they raced through the maze of parked vehicles, Morgan's mindwhirred with questions. Was he connected to whoever had framed her, or justanother pawn in this twisted game? And what if he was the one who had framedher all those years ago?

"Stop!"she gasped, her legs burning from the exertion. "I need to know thetruth!"

But her desperateplea fell on deaf ears as the man continued his frantic sprint, weaving betweencars with an agility that belied his bulky frame. Morgan gritted her teeth andpushed herself harder, refusing to let him escape.