Page 8 of For Wrath

"Shut up,both of you," Morgan snapped, her voice cold as ice. She glared atthem--now wasn't the time. "I'm not playing games here. One more word fromeither of you, and I'll arrest you both for conspiracy to murder."

The room wentstill, the air heavy with tension. Trevor's eyes widened in genuine shock whileNatalia stared at Morgan in confusion. "Murder?" Trevor choked out,his voice barely audible.

"SherylStewart is dead," Morgan confirmed, watching their reactions carefully."Someone mutilated her face and left her sitting on her living room couchlike some twisted work of art, and I think you know something about it,Trevor."

Trevor andNatalia exchanged horrified glances before gasping simultaneously. Theirreactions seemed genuine, but Morgan knew better than to let her guard down.People lied all the time, and she had learned the hard way that even the mostinnocent faces could hide the darkest of secrets.

"Look, Ididn't have anything to do with it," Trevor stammered, sweat beading onhis forehead. "We had our problems, sure, but I never wanted herdead."

"Then you'dbetter start talking," she warned, her eyes narrowing as she locked hergaze onto his. "Because right now, you're my prime suspect, and I won'thesitate to put you behind bars if I find any reason to believe you'reguilty."

Trevor swallowedhard, the fear evident in his eyes. But as much as he tried to hide it, Morgancould see a flicker of defiance in his expression. He wasn't going to give upwithout a fight.

"Fine,"he muttered, finally breaking eye contact. "But I'm telling you, you'vegot the wrong guy."

Morgan nodded,her lips pressed into a thin line. She had no way of knowing whether Trevor wastelling the truth or not, but one thing was for certain: she was going to findout who had killed Sheryl Stewart, and she wouldn't rest until justice wasserved.

"Start talking,"she demanded, her voice unwavering. "And don't even think about lying tome."

Trevor held uphis hands defensively. "Alright, I was married to Sheryl," he finallyadmitted, his voice cracking under the intensity of Morgan's unwavering stare."But I didn't kill her, I swear! I didn't even know she was dead!"

"Then whywere you lying before?" Morgan asked. She didn't buy his whole cluelessact.

"Because...I never loved her," Trevor confessed, looking away in shame. "She wastoo old for me, and after all those plastic surgeries, I couldn't even stand tolook at her anymore. All I wanted was some cash to start this gym, which I gotout of the divorce."

Morgan stared athim, disgusted. Trevor was pathetic, willing to lie and manipulate others forhis own gain, with no regard for the consequences. But was he capable ofmurder?

"Okay, sowhere were you last night?" she demanded, not quite ready to rule him outas a suspect.

"Here, atthe gym," Trevor replied, wiping sweat from his brow. "I was here allnight, I swear."

Natalia, who hadbeen standing silently in the corner, suddenly spoke up. "Wait,what?" she said, her voice thick with suspicion. "I thought you wentto your mother's last night."

Trevor paled, hiseyes darting between Morgan and Natalia as beads of sweat formed on hisforehead. He had been caught in a lie, and Morgan could see the panic settingin.

"Look, Ididn't go to my mom's, alright?" Trevor stammered, trying to regaincontrol of the situation. "I stayed here, at the gym. I can proveit."

Morgan crossedher arms, her instincts telling her that something wasn't adding up. Part ofher wanted to believe that Trevor wasn't the killer, but another part--the partjaded by years behind bars--warned her not to trust him.

"Alright,"she said finally, her voice a mix of skepticism and determination. "Showme your proof."

"Fine,"Trevor muttered, his face a mix of dejection and shame. "I was here withJessica, one of my employees. We have security footage to prove it." Heglanced at Natalia, who glared back at him, her eyes filled with hurt andbetrayal.

"Of courseyou were," she spat, her voice dripping with disdain. With a huff, shestormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Show me thefootage," Morgan demanded, her voice firm. She knew that Trevor'sinfidelity had nothing to do with Sheryl's murder, but if he was lying aboutthis, what else was he hiding?

"Alright,follow me," Trevor said, leading Morgan through the gym and into a small, clutteredoffice. He clicked through several screens on the computer before finallypulling up the security feed from the previous night.

"Here,"he said, gesturing to the screen, where he and another woman--Jessica--could beseen entering the gym together. "This is us arriving around 9 PM."Amelia had last seen her mother after nine, she had mentioned, which meant ifTrevor was here at that point and never left, then he couldn't have killedSheryl.

Morgan watchedthe footage closely, noting how Trevor and Jessica seemed comfortable with eachother – perhaps too comfortable. They laughed and joked as they walked aroundthe gym, occasionally stopping to demonstrate exercises to each other.

As the night wenton, their interactions grew more intimate. Trevor quickly skipped past a fewmoments where he and Jessica were clearly more than just friendly coworkers.Morgan raised an eyebrow but didn't comment; she was focused on findingevidence that could clear or condemn Trevor, not judging his personal life.

"Look,"Trevor said, pointing to the screen. "We fell asleep on the couches in thebreak room around 3 AM. We didn't leave until the morning when the gym openedagain."

Morgan studiedthe footage, weighing the implications of what she saw. Her gut told her that Trevorwas telling the truth, at least about his alibi.