Page 26 of For Wrath

Morgan's heartskipped a beat at the mention of the name. The pieces were starting to cometogether, but she still needed more information. She could feel herself gettingcloser to uncovering the truth behind these brutal murders, and she couldn'tlet up now.

"Tell meeverything you know about Dr. Blanchard," she demanded, her eyes neverleaving Matt's face.

"Like Isaid, I didn't really know him," Matt repeated nervously. "He washere before I started, and I only heard some stories from the other staff. Ithink he did some procedures under the table, you know, for extra cash. Butthat's all I know, I swear."

Morgan's mind racedas she tried to piece together what Matt had just told her. Dr. Blanchard hadleft the clinic but was rumored to perform illegal procedures for extra money.Could he be the one responsible for the murders?

"Oh,man," Matt murmured, his head hanging low. He was clearly cracking, andMorgan needed to know what he was hiding.

"You don'thave to protect him," Morgan said. "Or anyone else who works here.Matt, if you tell me what you know now, I promise you won't get introuble."

Matt took abreath. "You promise?"

Morgan heldheads. "Sure. I promise." But it depended on what he told her, ofcourse.

Matt shook hishead, sighing. "Damn it. Okay. I lied; I've worked here for a long time.But, the incident--it was an accident," Matt blurted out suddenly, hiseyes widening in fear. "We didn't know she would die."

Morgan's browfurrowed as she studied the young man before her. His face had gone pale, andbeads of sweat dotted his forehead. "Who are you talking about?" sheasked, her voice low and dangerous.

"Casey Waters,"he replied, swallowing hard. "Isn't that why you're here? To investigateher death?"

Morgan frowned,taken aback by this unexpected revelation. Casey Waters wasn't one of theirvictims, and she'd never heard of her. She wondered if this was another lead orjust a lie meant to throw her off track.

"CaseyWaters is not one of the victims I'm investigating," Morgan said slowly,her mind racing with questions. "But tell me more about her. What happenedto her?"

Matt shifteduncomfortably in his seat, avoiding Morgan's piercing gaze. "I don't knowall the details," he admitted, wringing his hands. "She came here fora treatment last year, some kind of filler injection. But something went wrong,and she ended up dying from complications."

"Did Dr.Blanchard work on her?" Morgan asked, her voice tense as she tried topiece together the puzzle.

"Y-yes,"Matt stammered, clearly intimidated by Morgan's intense focus. "He did theprocedure, but like I said, it was an accident. We didn't know what wouldhappen."

Morgan took adeep breath, trying to process this new information. If Casey Waters had diedunder Dr. Blanchard's care, it added another layer to the already complex case.Her instincts told her there was a connection between Blanchard and the murdersshe was investigating, but she needed more evidence to prove it.

Morgan's heartpounded in her chest as she considered the implications of Matt's revelation.She could feel the weight of the case pressing down on her, threatening tocrush her if she didn't find answers soon. The sterile smell of the clinicseemed to intensify, suffocating her as she stared at Matt expectantly.

"Tell memore about Casey Waters," Morgan demanded, her voice firm and unwavering.

Matt shiftednervously in his seat, biting his lip before replying. "Casey came to uslast year for a treatment – something minor, I think. But she insisted onpaying under the table, said she didn't want anyone to know. Well, things wentwrong, and she ended up with sepsis. She died not long after."

Morgan's eyesnarrowed as she processed this new information. "And you're sure Dr.Blanchard was the one who performed the procedure?"

"Y-yes,"Matt stammered, swallowing hard. "He was responsible, but it was anaccident, Agent Cross. We had no idea that would happen. We let him goafterward, but I've been terrified ever since that it would come back to hauntus."

"Blanchard'sname has come up in connection with other victims, too," Morgan revealed,her thoughts racing ahead as she tried to piece everything together."People have complained about him before?"

"Uh,yeah," Matt admitted, looking even more uncomfortable. "There were afew complaints from clients, saying he botched their procedures or something.But nothing like what happened to Casey."

"Did youreport any of this to the authorities?" Morgan asked, her tone accusatory.

"AgentCross, please understand – we didn't want to bring further attention to theclinic. We were afraid of losing our business," Matt replied, anguish inhis voice. "But I'll do whatever it takes to help you now."

"Good,"Morgan said, her voice icy. "Because I need everything you have on Dr.Blanchard – files, records, client lists, anything that can help me findhim."

"I'll get itfor you right away," Matt assured her, practically sprinting to the backoffice.

As she waited,Morgan's thoughts whirled around Casey Waters and Dr. Blanchard. If he hadcaused her death, whether by accident or not, what else was he capable of? Andwhat role did he play in the string of recent murders?

"Here'severything," Matt said breathlessly, handing her a file folder filled withpapers. "I hope it helps you catch him, Agent Cross."