Chuckling at her own joke, delighted with life in general, she set the arrangements on the shelf, then hurried back out as the store phone started ringing.
Glancing at the clock, she wrinkled her nose. Five minutes till closing was plenty of time to help a potential customer. “Simplicity Florist and Gifts—"
She frowned when she didn’t recognize the man who clearly recognized her. “Yes. Who’s this, please?”
“Grace, it’s Paul Becker.”
She blinked her surprise. She hadn’t spoken to her dad’s longtime friend and business partner since Logan’s funeral. “Paul—”
“I know it’s been a long time. I’m sorry to contact you like this, but it’s your dad, hon. He’s been in an accident.”
She gripped the phone tighter as her stomach filled with dread. “Is he okay?”
But she already knew he wasn’t, or Paul would never have called.
“He was hit by a car—”
She clutched the cold metal counter as she shook her head. “Hit by a car? What— What…”
“He stopped to help at an accident. That’s all I know so far. It happened downtown about half an hour ago.”
She closed her eyes now, fighting to keep her breathing steady—to focus on what Paul was telling her.
“I know things are strained between the two of you, but you should come. He’s in surgery with some internal bleeding. It’s critical, hon—pretty touch and go.”
“Oh, God,” she heard herself say.
“Just as soon as you can get here, Grace.”
She nodded, then made herself answer. “I’ll leave now.”
“We’re at Philadelphia General.”
“Okay. I’ll be there in about three hours.”
“Why don’t you give me your cell phone number so I can keep you updated.”
“Yes. That’s a good idea.” She rattled off her number.
“I’ll stay in touch.”
“Thank you, Paul.” She hung up, pacing a couple of times to try to catch her breath as her heart beat too quickly. Then she grabbed her phone, dialing Jagger, listening to two rings turn into three.
“You miss me already.”
She pressed her hand to her mouth when she heard his voice. “Jagger.”
“What’s wrong?”
“My dad. It’s my dad. He’s been in an accident.” Her voice broke. “He’s in surgery with internal bleeding. Paul said it’s touch and go.”
“Where is he?”
She raked her fingers through her hair, trying to think. “Um, Philadelphia General.”
“I’ll head for the airport. I’ll grab the first flight I can get to Scranton—”