She closed her eyes, then opened them, blinking when she realized he was gone.
“Why is this happening?” she whispered, resting her back against the doorframe as she pressed a hand to her jittery stomach.
She peeked over her shoulder again, relieved that he was still gone.
“Is that you, honey?” Aunt Maggie called from the back.
Grace slid clammy palms over her pants, smoothing herself out. “Um, yup. I’ll be right there.”
“Good. We’ve got some pretty ones back here today. The dahlias are— Oh my word!”
“What?” Grace pushed off the door, hustling toward the back as the surprise in Aunt Maggie’s voice registered. “What’s wrong?”
Grace clenched her jaw when she stopped in the doorway, having forgotten that Jagger knew his way around the place. The alleyway door was always open for delivery and flower processing in the morning. He’d helped with the flowers numerous times during their summer vacations.
Aunt Maggie laughed as she stood from her stool to wrap Jagger up in a hug. “What on earth are you doing here, kiddo?”
Jagger returned her embrace, holding Grace’s stare over Aunt Maggie’s head while his glasses rested on his hair. “I was driving through, so I thought I’d stop by.”
Aunt Maggie eased back. “You’re all grown up.”
He smiled, but not one of his sexy crooked grins. It was more of an obligatory curving of his lips. There was an edge to him—a wary harshness. “I am.”
“Are you sticking around for a while?”
He jerked his shoulders as he looked at Grace again. “I’m not sure.”
“Well, I’m going to head down the street for a cup of tea before I get to work on the morning orders.” Aunt Maggie hobbled a couple of steps back to her stool. “I’m a little unsteady today.”
Jagger’s brow creased as he reached out his hand to steady her. “Did you hurt yourself?”
Aunt Maggie ruefully smiled. “Not quite. It’s the damn MS.”
His frown returned. “Oh.”
Grace stepped farther into the room. “I can go get your tea.”
Aunt Maggie snatched up her cane. “Don’t baby me, Grace. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”
Grace smiled at her aunt. “Sorry.”
Aunt Maggie winked. “You’ll hold down the fort for a little while?”
Grace nodded, hating that she and Jagger were about to be left alone. “I’ll get started on the orders.”
“Okay, honey.” She headed toward the back door, then stopped, looking at Jagger. “I’ll see you around, handsome.”
Jagger’s lips curved again. “See you, Aunt Mags.”
“Don’t you head out of town again without saying goodbye.”
He shook his head. “I won’t.”
“I mean it.”
He crossed his finger over his heart. “I promise.”
Aunt Maggie chuckled as she stopped to navigate the three back steps.