“Unfortunately, I imagine you’re right.”
“What if we take that bath you mentioned during our crappy dinner?”
Her brow furrowed.
“Not a sexy bath, Grace. Let me hold you. Let me rub your shoulders and help you relax.” He pressed his lips to hers again. “Let’s lock up. Then we’ll go soak for a while.”
She nodded. “That sounds nice.”
* * *
Grace stared at the pale-pink petals floating on the water as she sat wrapped up with Jagger in the warmth and candlelight.
Quiet music played through the bathroom speakers as the delicate scents of vanilla and pumpkin spice filled the pretty space. Even as she tried to relax, she couldn’t stop her mind from racing.
The last couple of hours had been tough. First, her fight with Jagger, and then their shocking conversation with the colonel.
Her dad had known she and Jagger were together again. According to the colonel, he’d been pleased about the present and regretful about the past.
She sighed, still trying to make it all make sense.
“Your brain’s firing up again,” Jagger whispered next to her ear. “I can feel your body tensing up.”
She closed her eyes, pulling his arms tighter around her waist. “I’m sorry. I keep thinking about this entire mess, but I only want to think about you.”
He kissed her neck. “Does it help if I tell you that I love you?”
She smiled. “It does.”
His mouth brushed her skin again. “And what if I mention how good this feels—how I craved moments just like this so many times over the last few years.”
She turned to face him, hooking her legs around his waist as she settled on his lap. “You always know just what to say.”
His eyes tracked over her face as he slid his wet fingers along her jaw. “You’re so damn beautiful, Grace. Sometimes I’m still amazed I wake up with you every morning.”
Her gaze went soft as she stared into his. “You’re definitely a lucky guy. But I’m luckier.”
He sent her one of his crooked grins.
She let her fingers wander down his neck. “I’m sorry this has been a lame welcome home.”
“We’re naked together in the bathtub.” He shrugged as his excellent smile returned. “It hasn’t been all bad.”
“I love it when you smile at me like that.” She kissed the sides of his mouth. “You’re the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.”
He winked as he tossed up his chin—one of the cocky gestures she’d often seen in high school.
Without warning, she blinked as her eyes grew teary—as she mourned that nothing could stay as it had when Logan had been happy and healthy. When she’d been able to say that her dad had adored his wife during their happy marriage.
He frowned. “What just happened?”
She shook her head as she battled with waves of gratitude and regret. “I don’t know.”
“Come here,” he said as he wrapped her up in a hug.
She returned his embrace, wrapping her legs tighter around him as she settled her head on his shoulder, loving how right it felt when Jagger held her.
“We’ll get through this,” he murmured.