Page 70 of The Wedding Jinx

“But I’ll see you at our one-on-one tomorrow,” she says, giving me a coy smile.

“Are we throwing the work rule out the window?” I can’t stop the hope in my voice.

“No,” she says. “But you’ll get a whole thirty minutes with just me.”

“I’ll take it,” I tell her. I’ll have to think of a way before then to convince her to let me use fifteen of those minutes to kiss her senseless.


“MILA,” BRITAIN SAYS AFTER A couple of soft knocks on my open door.

“Yeah?” I reply. It’s Wednesday, and I’ve been tackling some budgeting work-throughs Sebastian sent me this morning to review before our meeting later. We’re going to have to borrow from one department to have enough for the other, but I think we can make it work.

“It’s time for your one-on-one with Grayson,” she says, peeking her blond head in my door.

I lick my dry lips and get up from my desk, straightening out my white pencil skirt and re-tucking my dusty-pink top with the ruched sleeves.

“Love the shoes,” Britain says, with a head bob toward the nude heeled mules I’m wearing today.

Nadia may not be here, but I’m still dressing up. And yes, it’s absolutely for the man whose office is down the hall.

“Thanks,” I say as I grab my laptop and head out my door to meet with Grayson.

I tell myself I am going to stick with my work rule and will not make my daydream of throwing myself over the desk and into Grayson’s lap a reality. It becomes a sort of chant inside my head as I walk down the hall and knock on his door.Stay in your seat. Stay in your seat. Stay in your seat.

“Come in,” I hear his deep voice through the door after I knock a couple of times.

“Hey,” I say when I open the door and see him sitting there, wearing a blue shirt rather than his normal white one.

Do not throw yourself over that desk, Mila. Control yourself.

I tell myself this because he looks so freaking good in the blue, but also because he seems completely exhausted and stressed. There’s a deeper crease between his brows than there was just yesterday. I want to hug him and make it all better. But that’s not exactly something I have the capability of doing. I can hug him, sure, but I can’t make this go away. Things won’t get better until September, and even then, there’s no guarantee.

It makes me wonder if maybe this burgeoning thing we’ve started should possibly take a back seat. I mean, it sort of already has, even without saying the words. It has to be this way. Getting GlobeTrotter ready has to be our first priority.

“Hey there,” Grayson says, the corners of his mouth lifting upward. His eyes are warm and appreciative as he takes me in, even though the bags underneath are darker than I’ve ever seen them. And that includes the morning after barely sleeping on a dirt rain forest floor, so that’s saying something.

I shut the door and head over to the white leather chair sitting opposite his desk and take a seat. “You’re wearing blue,” I say.

He looks down at his shirt and then back up at me, a little smirk on his face. “Thought I’d switch things up.”

“I like it,” I tell him.

“Good, because you’re who I was thinking of when I put it on this morning.”

My heart does a little jumping thing, and I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

He echoes the sentiment, but then, in the next second, he runs a hand down his face, wiping the smile away, the tiredness and stress replacing it. My grin drops a bit.

“How much sleep did you get last night?” I ask him.

He shakes his head. “I think maybe three hours?”

“Grayson,” I say, my voice sounding more like a chastisement than the worry I’m actually feeling for him. He’s not going to be able to keep this up.

“It’s fine,” he says, waving my worry away with his hand. “I can catch up in September.”

“Promise me you’ll sleep tonight,” I say. “More than three hours.”