Page 68 of The Wedding Jinx

“Boss I’d like to kiss,” I say.

“No kidding?”

“What did you think it would be?”

“I thought it was something mean. Like Mean Boss or Jerkwad Boss.”

“You’re neither of those things.”

“BILK, huh? Who came up with that one?”

“I did,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat.Way to go, Mila Banks.

“So, am I still?”

“Still what?”

“A boss you’d like to kiss.”

“Oh, most definitely.”

“Good,” he says, before leaning toward me and kissing me soundly.


“SO, IN THE SPIRIT OF transparency, this is what we’re up against, team.”

The room is silent. Everyone is staring at me like I have two heads—everyone except for Mila, who’s giving me a reassuring nod. I’m just grateful it’s not one of her signature thumbs-up. She did give one to Jason after he explained to her all the things we should have done when we went hiking, like he’s the utmost authority on the subject. Honestly, he probably does know more.

Everyone knew all about it when we returned, probably because of the late-night call to Vik and his help with locating us, and the subsequent work that followed as they tried to fix the problem. As it stands, we’re going to have to reimplement the map’s API into the app, which is going to take a lot of time to do.

It’s Tuesday; we flew back from Hawaii on Saturday, and I’ve just told my leadership team during our weekly meeting what we’re up against with GlobeTrotter. Everyone is here, except for Nadia, who’s headed to Australia for her honeymoon.

I feel very itchy in my own skin right now, being more transparent about things. But I also feel a lot of relief, too. Mila was right—I had been carrying this burden around for too long. Not that I divulged everything to them, they don’t need to know about my family drama. Just how dire it is that we get this app done and ready for market by September.

“So, if we don’t have this done by the summit, then … what?” Jason asks.

I shake my head. “I don’t know.” I tell him, honestly. Maybe it would work out even if we don’t. I know I could borrow money from Shane, even though taking on any more debt feels like a really bad idea. Honestly, if GlobeTrotter doesn’t take off, it might be the end of things around here. But I’m not going to tell them that. I’ve hired smart, hardworking people for this team. I’m sure they get it.

“What do you think, Vik?” Mila asks. “Do you think we can have GlobeTrotter ready in time?”

“I think it’s not out of the realm of possibility,” Vik says. “I’m willing to put in the extra work to do it.”

If anyone would be honest about the possibilities of this happening, it’s Vik. His words are encouraging.

“I am too,” Mila says. But I already knew she was on board.

She looks amazing today in a navy-blue dress with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. I told her just that when I saw her this morning. I haven’t had any alone time with her because I had so much to catch up on Sunday, and then we had to jump right back into work Monday. I’ve basically been working nonstop since we got home, and so has she.

“My team is on it,” Jason pipes in.

“I’ll do whatever I can,” Simone says. As the head of HR, that’s not much, but I appreciate her enthusiasm.

The rest of the team follows suit.

“Okay,” I say. “It’s going to take every one of us to make this happen. Some more than others. We might have to do things outside of our normal scope. But if you are all on board, then I think we can do it. Or we at least have a good shot.”

“HEY THERE,” I SAY AFTER tapping on Mila’s open office door.