Page 74 of The Wedding Jinx

There weren’t a ton of details, to be honest. Grayson and I found as much time as we could to be together, which wasn’t ever enough. But we managed, knowing that soon we’d have more. Just having each other, knowing we were there for one another, made things easier. And of course, there were times at work when he’d just walk into my office, shut the door behind him, and kiss me until I couldn’t think straight. I hope he keeps that up, even now that we’ll have a lot more free time. There’s still plenty to do, but it won’t be half as much as the work we’ve been doing since the end of June.

After Grayson finishes his little speech and we all clink our glasses together, he sits down next to me and leans over toward my ear.

“In case I haven’t said it today, I’m ridiculously in love with you,” he whispers in my ear, and I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face.

“You have,” I whisper back. “Feel free to keep telling me, though.”

He says it again, and I say it back, then he leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

He told me he loved me about a month after we started things. We were sitting on his couch trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to work and keep our hands off each other. And then he just said it. “I’m in love with you, Mila.”

He said he was pretty much already there before we even kissed, which I thought was a little crazy, but then again, I was pretty much there myself. I just wouldn’t admit it. So, I said it back, of course. We’ve been saying it ever since. Finding creative ways to say it. My favorite is when I get an email from him at work withIMPORTANTin the subject line, and when I open it, it just says three little words. My favorite words from him. Right up there with,I brought you a snack. The man just gets me.

“You two,” Nadia says, pointing to me and then Grayson. “You two should get married already.”

I shake my head at her and give her a thumbs-up, even though I’m smiling. Wedded bliss looks good on her, and she wants everyone to join in her happiness.

I look at Grayson, and he looks at me, and he gives me a knowing smile. I know that’s where he believes this is headed because he’s already told me so. I think so too, but it feels too soon. Except I keep thinking of the line Nadia said that I’m still pretty sure she stole from a movie:“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want that life to start as soon as possible.”I think I get it now.

Whenever it happens, I can tell you this: It definitely won’t be a big affair, and if I have my way, there’ll be no wedding at all. It will just be him and me and a courthouse.

That sounds like a fairy tale wedding to me.



I ASKED MILA TO MARRY me the spring after we released GlobeTrotter to the world.

Yes, it was soon, and no, I don’t really care. Who decides what the right timing is for stuff like this, anyway? Plus, I’d been pining over her for pretty much the entirety of two years before we finally started dating. I’ve basically loved her for well over three years now, and it feels like a long enough time to me.

GlobeTrotter was doing so well, I took my leadership team to Vegas to do some planning, team building, and celebrating. I’d wanted to go to Oahu to celebrate, but we aren’t far enough in the black for that kind of trip yet. Maybe next year.

As far as work trips go, this isn’t quite as great as my trip to Hawaii with Mila last year. Nothing will compare to that. Even the getting lost part. I’m not saying I’d want to do it again, but my life changed for the better after that in so many ways. The best part was Mila, of course.

The trip so far had consisted of a dinner upon arrival and a tour the next morning of the Valley of Fire, where we saw amazing red sandstone formations and incredible canyons.

We had some free time after a planning meeting the next morning, so Mila and I went to the pool. It was a beautiful, hot day in May, and the water felt great. Having Mila next to me was even better.

We were lying side by side on a double chaise lounge just after we’d gotten out of the pool, and I looked over at her, and I don’t know what it was—maybe how she was wearing a floppy hat and glasses even though we were sitting under a large palm tree for shade. Or maybe it was the drops of water that clung to her skin. There was no real justification, but for some reason, in that moment, I knew I didn’t want to spend another day without her being mine. Legally mine.

“Why are you staring at me?” she asked.

“I was just thinking,” I said. I didn’t even try to deny it. I was, in fact, staring.

She took off her glasses then and turned her beautiful face my way. “What were you thinking?”

“I was thinking we should get married while we’re here,” I said.

“What?” she asked with a sort of incredulous laugh.

“Right now,” I said.

“Grayson,” she said, sitting up. “You can’t be serious.”

“Why not? The ring I bought for you is upstairs in my computer bag.”

She was smiling big then. “You brought a ring with you?”