Page 66 of The Wedding Jinx

“Don’t even give it a second thought. I’m just so grateful to you both,” I say. “And now I’m here, and alive, and ready to be in your wedding. Unless you’ve changed your mind?” I give her a hopeful smile.

“No,” she says, emphatically. “It’s still happening.”

“You’ve literally seen proof,” I say. “I’m a jinx.”

“And I literally don’t care,” she says.

“Okay, well,” I say, giving her my best bring-it-on face. “Let’s see what I’ve got in me for the rest of the day.”

Maybe the jinx gods think the whole lost-in-a-rain-forest-overnight thing was enough stress for this wedding, because after getting ready and making our way down to the ceremony, which was set up on fresh-cut grass overlooking the ocean, I walk down the aisle with my arm through Grayson’s, and we get through theI doswithout any issues. I’m even able to wear my heels and my ankle feels okay.

The only thing feeling slightly jinx-y so far is the fact that my burnt rear is already starting to peel, and I had to run to the bathroom right after the ceremony to scratch it. But no one knows about that. I plan to keep it that way.

After taking pictures on the beach, and some with our feet in the water (and yes, the photographer had me bend my knees for some shots because I was sticking out like a sore thumb), we head to the reception, which is absolutely stunning. Two long tables set to perfection with gorgeous bouquets of flowers down the centers, all under a wooden canopy draped in white organza. It looks like a fairy tale. We feast on fresh lobster and steak, and I don’t spill my drink or accidentally poke someone in the eye with my fork during the festivities, and it feels like a win.

It’s honestly the most beautiful day and the loveliest wedding I’ve ever attended. I’m so happy for my friend. I can’t believe I wanted to miss this. Well, I could have skipped the being in the wedding part. But to miss the entire thing would have been a sad mistake on my part. I can now say I’m glad I’m here.

Since Grayson is the best man and I’m the maid of honor, we’re seated together during dinner, and we can’t keep our hands off each other. In a subtle way, of course. I’m pretty sure Nadia doesn’t want to see people getting handsy at her wedding. Or maybe she does, since she was so excited to hear about the kissing. But we keep it tame—Grayson’s hand on my knee under the table, and me purposefully leaning into him between courses.

I’ve never been so attracted to someone and had them return it. It’s a pretty amazing feeling that I don’t want to let go of. I have no idea what the future will bring, or even next week when we’re back at the office, but I’m soaking it all in right now.

When it’s time for the toasts, and the sun is setting into the ocean behind us, and the strings of globe lights have been turned on to give the scene an ethereal feeling, I stand up to give my speech that I barely scrambled to put together earlier in the bridal suite while we were getting ready. I hadn’t done it before because I was still holding out hope I’d somehow get out of this.

I take a breath before starting, looking at my phone where I’ve put my notes before glancing at everyone else, including a very handsome Grayson, who’s looking incredible in his linen suit pants and vest, staring up at me, his arm resting over the back of my now-empty chair.

“So, I’m Mila, and I’m the maid of honor. I’ve known Nadia since I started working at AppInnovate, where we bonded over clothing and our love of giving nicknames to everyone we work with. Don’t worry, Simone, you don’t have one,” I say, turning toward our director of HR, who’s sitting at the end of my table with her husband next to her. She laughs and smiles at me, while everyone else chuckles.

“What’s mine?” Grayson asks, and everyone laughs.

“Mila will tell you later,” Nadia says.

“No, I won’t, because he also doesn’t have one,” I say, giving Nadia wide eyes, which makes everyone erupt again.

“Anyway,” I say, drawing out the word, getting us back to the toast. “I was there when Shane and Nadia first met. It was at a bar, after work, and our boss, Grayson, introduced him to us, but it was very obvious from that moment Shane only had eyes for Nadia.”

“It’s true,” Shane says before giving Nadia a quick kiss on the mouth.

“As the story goes, it was love at first sight, and they’ve been together ever since. But what Shane might not know, but Nadia definitely does, is that I didn’t want to be here.”

“I made her come,” Nadia says, nodding her head and smiling, which makes everyone do a sort of awkward-sounding laugh. Like they’re not sure whether it’s funny.

“It had nothing to do with Nadia and Shane,” I continue. “And everything to do with my long history of being a sort of wedding … jinx. I’ve got a long list of grievances where that’s concerned, and Nadia knows about most of it. And I didn’t want to bring my bad juju to this one. But, for those of you who know Nadia, you won’t be surprised that she wouldn’t take no for an answer.” I look over to see her nani nodding and smiling at Nadia’s parents, who are doing the same back.

“So, as most of you know, yesterday I got lost on a hike with this guy,” I say with a head bob toward Grayson. Everyone chuckles because they all know, and we’ve been asked repeatedly about it. “I had many thoughts up there, but the one that made me the saddest was that I’d done it again. I’d ruined another wedding. And not just any wedding, but for one of my most favorite people on the entire planet.”

I didn’t expect to get choked up at those words, but I do. And one look at Nadia, whose eyes are also glistening, doesn’t help.

“But, as you can see, we’re okay, and we made it back, thanks to Shane and Nadia. And I’m so grateful. Not just because we made it back, but because I can be here right now, celebrating with you.”

I pause to sniffle. “Shane, you’ve got yourself one of the most loyal, wonderful, funny, beautiful, and stubborn humans on the planet. And I hope you’re grateful every day for her.”

Shane doesn’t say anything; he just gives me an understanding nod.

I raise my glass. “So, here’s to Nadia and Shane. May your life be filled with happiness and love always.”

Everyone lifts their glasses and says, “Hear! Hear!”

I lift my flute of champagne to take a sip, and instead, in a moment I’m blaming on nerves, dump the entire contents down my purple bridesmaid dress.