Page 65 of The Wedding Jinx

“I mean, we were lost, but something did happen,” I say.

“I need all the details, immediately.”

“About being lost?”

“No,” she says, batting my words away with a wave of her hand. “I mean, I do want to know about that. But first I want to know what happened between you and the BILK.”

“I’m not telling you because we have a wedding to get ready for.”

“I don’t even care about that right now,” she says.

“Nadia Singh.”

“Mila Banks.”

We glare at each other. I hope her family knows this is just what we do.

“I’ll give you the shortened version,” I finally say. Although I’m bursting at the seams right now to tell her every freaking detail.

“Give it to me,” she says, excitedly rubbing her palms together.

“He knows Fake Dave is fake.”

“No way,” she says. “How did that happen?”

“It slipped,” I say.

“I told you not to call him Fake Dave.”

“Who is this Fake Dave person?” her nani asks.

“Nani, stop eavesdropping,” Nadia says. We both look over to see that everyone is watching us, including the three strangers hired to get us all ready.

“It’s hard not to—we’re all in the same room together,” her nani says, lifting her shoulders toward her ears and then dropping them.

With that, Nadia grabs my hand and drags me to the master bedroom.

“Keep going,” she says as soon as she shuts the door.

“So, he found out there was no Dave, and then I admitted I’m attracted to him.”

“Shut your dirty mouth,” Nadia says.

“And then … he kissed me.”

Her eyes go wide. “This is the best wedding present I could ever have.”

“I hope so, because I didn’t bring you anything else. My presence is my present.” I give her a little curtsy.

“How was the kiss?”

“Amazing. And then we made out like three times.”

She starts jumping up and down, clapping her hands. “I’m so happy right now. What happened after that?”

“After that, we fell asleep together on the ground, and Shane rescued us this morning.”

She gives me a more serious look. “Oh, Mila, I wanted to be there to help look for you. I was so worried. But there wasn’t enough room in the helicopter.”