Page 52 of The Wedding Jinx


“She’s my cousin and we’re both allergic to carpenter ants.”

“Ah,” Grayson says.

“Then there was wedding number three, where I gave the groom a concussion.”

“This I’m going to need to hear more about,” he says.

“The groom wanted to give something to the bride before the wedding, and I came up with the bright idea for him to climb up the trellis by the window where she was getting ready.”

“And, wait, let me guess: he fell off.”

“Close,” I say. “We decided it was a bad idea halfway up, and on his way down, the entire trellis came off the wall.”

“Ouch,” Grayson says.

“Indeed,” I respond. “Then there was wedding number four, when I toppled the wedding cake.”

“How did you do that?”

“I basically ran into it, trying to get away from someone,” I say. “It was a man, and he was a cheating douchebag.”

“Got it,” Grayson says, bobbing his head up and down. “I’d like to know more, but we can circle back. And the fifth?”

“Oh yes, wedding number five. That one was a doozy,” I say, looking out across the clearing as I remember how things went down at Chloe’s wedding. “At that wedding, I tripped the ring bearer—”

“You tripped him?”

“Accidentally,” I clarify. “I accidentally tripped the ring bearer, who toppled over, and the officiant and the bride tried to grab the rings he dropped and ended up falling into the pool behind them.”

“A pool? Who gets married by a pool?”

“Thank you,” I say, feeling seen. “That’s what I thought.”

“And the sixth?” Grayson asks.

“You seem very interested in this,” I say.

“I am. I’m totally invested in this now.”

I let out one single laugh. “I’ve never told anyone the whole of it,” I say.

He holds a hand to his chest. “I’m honored.”

“To be hanging out with a jinx? You see where we are, right? Lost. In a rainforest. You should be horrified.”

“I’m still not convinced.”


“What happened with wedding number six?”

This man. How can I be lost in Hawaii with a twisted ankle and no way of knowing when we’ll get out of here, and yet somehow, I’m still just happy to be here with him? What’s wrong with me?

I exhale loudly. “For that one, I managed to get the bride and all the bridesmaids sick.”

“How did you do that?”