Page 46 of The Wedding Jinx

“Well, I take my vacation time.” I nudge him with my elbow. “Unlike some people. Even though I’ve got a real stickler for a boss.”

“Really?” he says. “I’ve heard only great things about him.”

“Was it Jason who told you that?” I give him a cheeky grin. “Because he’s a real butt kisser.”

He breaks into a laugh. A hearty one. “What’s with the thumbs-up you and Nadia give him?”

I look away from him toward the water, feeling my cheeks heat up. Of course he noticed that gesture. “It’s our intraoffice middle finger,” I finally say.

“I knew it,” he chuckles.

“Don’t tell HR on me.”

“I would never.” He holds his hands up, palms out toward me. “Jason’s never picked up on it?”

“No,” I say. “He’s much too self-important for that.”

I look over to see Grayson’s response, to see if I’ve crossed some kind of employee/boss line. But he’s only laughing, his hand wiping his eyes as his upper body shakes.

“Nadia will kill me when she finds out I’ve spent three days with our boss and told him our inside jokes.”

“Your secrets are safe with me,” he says, and I believe him.

“There’s a lot more.”

“Oh, really?”

I snort and then tell him about Dane and how we call him Wiener Schnitzel after he told me in our one-on-one about forgetting his underwear when he biked to work. I left out the part about his open fly and what I saw because that’s just not something you share with the boss.

“No way,” Grayson says through a guffaw.

“We call JasonSir Jason, since he thinks he’s king of everything.”

“Makes sense,” he says with a nod. “Any others? Do you … have one for me?”

My eyes go wide, telling him without words that we do, in fact, have a name for him. “No,” I say, shaking my head emphatically. “No, we don’t.”

“Come on,” he says, not believing me at all.

“I promise we don’t.”

“You definitely do.”

“We don’t.”

“I’ll get it out of you.”

“You will not,” I say.

“Aha! You do have a nickname for me.”

“I’ll never tell you,” I say.

I yelp as he lunges forward, his strong hands firmly gripping my waist. Before I can react, he’s effortlessly lifted me off my feet and takes a couple of steps toward the edge of the rocks, the pool of water just below us. He dangles me over the edge.

“Wanna tell me now?”

I twist around, trying to get out of his grasp, but I can’t because the man is clearly strong; and also, I’m laughing too hard.