“Well, have you considered other options?” August asked.
“Like what? I’m not fucking letting my mother feed me.”
August chuckled and took a seat on the corner of the bed. “Wasn’t suggesting that. Maybe you could use a spoon if that’s easier. Or use your fingers and scoop it into your mouth. No one is going to judge you.”
“Not even you?”
August frowned. “No. Why would I?”
“I don’t know.” Nico looked away. “You seem like you have your shit together and I know this wasn’t what you signed up for when we got engaged.”
Nico glanced back at him. “God, why can’t I remember? And why don’t I have a ring? You should have bought me a ring, Auggie.”
By the end, his frustration had bled into teasing and he smiled at August.
“Let me get you some food,” August said, because he didn’t know how to answer any of Nico’s questions. “And we can talk more after.”
“Yeah, okay.” Nico slumped back. “Thanks.”
August chose foods Nico could eat by hand and rather than use the flat plates with no rim, he selected a deep bowl.
Nico gave him a small smile as August set the dish on the bed beside him. “Thanks, Auggie.”
“Sure. Would you like me to leave while you eat?”
“Nah, it’s okay. You can stay.” He shifted until he was propped against the headboard, then crossed his legs. He pulled a pillow onto his lap, then carefully set the bowl on it with his right hand. “Just don’t make fun of me when I make a mess.”
“I won’t,” August promised.
He went in the bathroom and got a few damp paper towels, just in case.
“How mad are they?” Nico asked when he returned.
“Not mad,” August said. “Worried.”
“I was an asshole, wasn’t I?”
“I mean, maybe it wasn’t your finest hour,” August admitted. “But I don’t think you were an asshole. They understand. I reminded them that a lot of what’s going on feels out of your control and they could help you if they let you make your own decisions about your recovery.”
Nico paused, food halfway to his mouth. “God, I could kiss you right now, Auggie.”
August laughed. “Not necessary. It was just common sense.”
Nico hummed, then shoved some more food in his mouth. Eating with his fingers was a little messy but hey, he was getting the nourishment he needed and he seemed a lot less frustrated.
After he was done and he’d wiped off his fingers, he settled back with a sigh. “Thanks. I needed food, I guess.”
“No problem.” August stood, reaching for the bowl. “I’ll take care of this.”
“Thank you.”
He was halfway across the room before Nico said, “Hey, Auggie?”
He froze and looked over his shoulder to see Nico flexing his hand, staring down at it. He was trembling heavily now, clearly fatigued.
“How am I going to hold a stick like this?”
He looked up at August and his eyes were filled with fear so piercing it made August’s heart ache.