Page 92 of The Head Game

“We all do,” Noor said. “But perhaps he needs some space for a while.”

“What do you think, August?”

He blinked. “Uhh. About Nico’s frustration right now?”

“Yes. You have as much of a say in all of this as we do.”

A part of him wanted to say that he absolutely did not but he was supposed to be running interference. Maybe it didn’t matter that he wasn’t in love with Nico like everyone thought.

August didn’t have to actually be engaged to Nico to see the Arents-Gerritsen-Kulper family’s approach wasn’t helping the situation.

And August had common sense, didn’t he? He could imagine how he’d feel in Nico’s shoes and apply that to the situation.

If he worked from that premise, it was fairly obvious they were only stressing Nico out.

“I think,” August said slowly, “Nico doesn’t feel like himself right now. And his life is out of his control. Which must be very difficult. He knows you love him but he’s been living on his own for a long time, right? He isn’t used to being told what to do and that’s frustrating for him. For all of you, really.”

“You’re right, you’re right,” Isa said with a little sigh.

“We need to let him make his own decisions. Yes, for the first few days, he was pretty out of it. But he’s clearer now. Why don’t you give him some space tonight, let him get some more rest?”

“But he needs to eat,” Isa protested.

“He should eat, yes, but it’s his decision. I’ll go in and ask if he’d like me to fix him a plate.”

“I’m being overbearing, aren’t I?” Isa said with a sigh.

Anika rubbed her back. “You’re used to being in charge at the gallery. But this isn’t work and August makes some very good points, my love.”

“I don’t want our boy’s life to be any harder than it has to be.”

August bit his tongue to keep himself from reminding her that, at the moment, all of their hovering and pushing was the thing making Nico’s life harder than necessary.

But Isa must have caught something of his thoughts on his face because she held up her hands. “I know, I know, my bossiness is only making it worse for him. I’ll try to be less pushy.”

“I will too,” Pieter said with a sigh. “No pets unless Nico wants one.”

“And I’ll go check on Nico and see if he’d still like to eat,” August said, and fled the kitchen.


When August knocked quietly on the bedroom door, there was no answer. He cracked it open to find Nico slumped on the bed. He looked away from the TV on the dresser and his scowl softened. “Oh, it’s you.”

“It’s me. Can I come in?”

“Sure.” Nico sighed and patted the bed beside him. “You’re always welcome. I just didn’t feel like dealing with my family right now. They’re a lot.”

“I have noticed that,” August said.

Nico cracked a smile. “So what’s up?”

“Would you like me to bring some dinner in?”

“I guess.”

“If you’re not hungry, you don’t have to eat.”

“No, I’m hungry. I just … I feel like a baby not being able to use my fork well. It’s better in the morning but by this time of day it’s like my hand gives up.” He sat up, holding his left hand out, and August could see the tremble in his fingers. “It’s hard to grip the fork.”