The sky outside Nico’s bedroom windows was dark by the time August cracked his eyes open. A glance at his watch told him he’d slept for several hours.
He hadn’t expected to sleep at all, not with the guilt churning within him. But shortly after Nico went boneless against him, his breath evening out into a slow, steady rhythm, August had been lulled into dreamland too.
Now, August was still slightly groggy but mostly grateful he’d gotten a nap in.
Clearly, they’d both needed sleep.
It felt good to have a clearer head. But that clarity reminded him they needed to talk.
August had to admit to Nico they weren’t engaged. He’d come so close earlier but hesitated when he saw Nico was exhausted.
He’d tried in the hospital too but there was always someone around. One of Nico’s parents, a nurse, the neurologist, a physical or occupational therapist … they never had any time alone.
But they were alone now, Nico seemed mentally clear, and it wasn’t right to make Nico question his own memory, especially when there were legitimate things he’d forgotten.
August couldn’t wait a second longer to come clean.
So he grasped Nico’s arm and gently shook. “Nico,” he whispered urgently.
But he slept on, mouth a little slack, long blond lashes thick against his cheeks, stubble coming in darker than his golden blond hair.
With a sigh, August settled back against the pillow and flexed his hand. It had gone totally numb from Nico cutting off all of the circulation. But every time he tried to move, Nico made a little noise like August was doing something terrible to him.
Despite the enormous mattress, Nico was plastered to August’s body as closely as if they were still sharing a narrow hospital bed.
And August didn’t have the heart to wake him, not when he was sleeping so deeply. Not when August knew what he’d been through. What he’d be going through for the foreseeable future.
August didn’t want to worry about Nico.
He wanted to be angry and resentful that the career he’d worked so hard for was probably circling the toilet right now. Instead, he was watching Nico sleep, worrying about if he was getting enough rest.
A treacherous fondness had crept in during the long hours he’d spent by Nico’s bedside.
A need to take care of Nico that outweighed August’s desire to protect himself and his own career.
Referees didn’t have big-name agents. They didn’t have entire franchises behind them.
They didn’t have someone like Kate Foster.
August had to be his own advocate.
And yet … here he was. With a sleeping Nico Arents in his arms and a big question mark about what his own future held.
And no ability to change either.
He wanted to but he didn’t seem to be able to bring himself to do what needed to be done.
A quiet rap on the door startled August but Nico continued to sleep, not stirring, his breath steady and even.
“Just a minute,” August said hoarsely.
He slid out of Nico’s grasp, ignoring his sleepy whine and grabby hands, then hastily tugged on jeans.
When August opened the door, Noor smiled warmly. “Dinner is ready if either of you are hungry.”
August glanced back at the bed where Nico had tugged a pillow to his chest. “Nico’s asleep and I hate to wake him.”