Page 84 of The Head Game

Kate talked about this fake engagement being better for his career but August found it impossible to believe he could survive this with his career intact.

As a child, he’d dreamed of playing in the Stanley Cup Final. Once he’d made the choice to become a referee, he’d shifted to the idea of officiating it. It was the ultimate dream for someone in his position.

And now, he’d likely lost that too.

August could rationalize it all he wanted but he’d made a stupid choice in Evanston when he’d first kissed Nico.

He’d thrown his future away in the blink of an eye. And for what?

* * *

“You should rest,” Isa urged as Nico paced in front of the window. “You’ve been through a lot.”

“I don’t want to rest, Mom,” Nico said, aware he sounded like a petulant child but unable to stop himself. “That’s all I’ve been doing lately.”

He was tired but there was a jittery restlessness inside him that had been growing since he woke up after his surgery.

He wasn’t used to being cooped up like this.

In the hospital, he’d roamed the halls of the neurology unit as much as he was allowed but he’d felt tethered to his room and there was always someone hovering, watching his every move.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t much better here with all four of his parents shooting him worried glances and telling him to rest.

But at least now he could get up and move without an IV pole.

His family was amazing and he loved them, but a part of him was already dreading the idea of them staying here for weeks, fussing over him.

They’d nearly driven him crazy on the drive from Buffalo to Toronto, talking his ear off about his recovery and what he needed to do for it.

There had been a nurse to check his blood pressure and run through the neurology tests too. If Nico was never again asked what his name was and to repeat the date and where he was, it would be too soon.

He tolerated it because he knew it was important. They were checking to make sure he didn’t have bleeding or an infection or a clot.

But knowing it and dealing with it were very, very different things.

“Nico …” his mom said and he sighed.

“I’m sorry, okay. I just suck at sitting here and doing nothing.”

“Well, what about some of the rehabilitation exercises? We got safety pins and rice for you to practice picking up to improve your dexterity and hand strength. Oh, or these puzzles.” She pointed at a stack. “You could start one of these.”

“Not right now. I … I’m going to use the bathroom.”

“Do you need help?”

Nico gave her a horrified look. “What? No. I’m not a child.”

“I know you’re not,” she said soothingly. “But there’s a risk of you falling—”

“No. I’ve got this.” He brushed past her and went into his bedroom. He winced when the door slammed behind him. He hadn’t meant to shut it so hard.

He was so frustrated. Everything sucked right now.

In the bathroom, he flipped on the light and grimaced at the sight of his reflection in the mirror.

Nico had taken how many selfies standing right here? Snaps in a low-slung towel with his abs on display. Naked in a foggy mirror.

Naked, except for a strategically placed item obscuring what he needed to hide on social media.