He thought about calling the nurse back in but he couldn’t reach the call button very well and it looked like August had already fallen deeply asleep again.
He looked tired. His lashes were dark against his cheeks and his brow was a little furrowed. Nico wanted to smooth the lines away but he didn’t want to wake him.
Nico knew who August was … remembered bits and pieces of what they’d said or done together. But there were strange gaps. And he couldn’t remember anything about being engaged.
Didn’t sound like him.
He didn’t mind the idea of getting married someday but he always figured he’d do it when he was older. Maybe after he was done playing or something. When he was finally ready to settle down.
But … but he did like having August here.
Nico thought of the nickname that made August grumble and the concern in August’s dark eyes. It seemed like he cared about Nico.
So maybe they were engaged? Maybe it was recent and Nico needed to wait for that part of his memory to come back.
With a mental shrug, Nico yawned again and felt the reflexive tightening of August’s arm around his waist.
Safe. Protective. Everything would be fine with August watching over him.
Nico closed his eyes and slept again.
* * *
“Aww, look at them. They’re so sweet,” Isa whispered.
August went still. He’d half-woken when the door opened, but there was no way he was going back to sleep after that comment.
“It’s a relief to know our boy is in good hands,” Pieter said quietly.
Unfortunately, August couldn’t lie here pretending he was asleep until they went away so he shifted a little, stretching.
Every single inch of him was tired and achy.
And grimy. He’d picked up a few basic toiletries in the hotel gift shop last night and the nurse had loaned him some disposable scrubs to sleep in, but he desperately needed a shower and clean clothes to change into after.
Nico made a grumbly noise as August tried to pull away. “Where you goin’, Auggie?”
“I need to get up,” August said, working himself free of Nico’s weak grip.
August’s face felt uncomfortably warm by the time he was standing upright. He smoothed the scrubs down, not quite meeting anyone’s eye.
“Good morning,” he mumbled.
Isa hugged him. “Oh, thank you for staying with Nico last night. Knowing our boy was taken care of gave me the peace of mind to sleep.”
August shot her an awkward smile. “Glad I could help.”
Everyone greeted Nico and he got hugs and kisses on the cheek from all of them.
Nico’s smile went especially soft when Noor brushed her fingertips across the unbandaged side of his head.
“Missed you, Omm.” Nico smiled sleepily at his stepmother.
Noor murmured something in another language—the Arabic Nico had mentioned earlier, perhaps?—before she pressed her lips to his forehead and switched to English. “How are you feeling, sweet boy?”
“I know. You will for a while. You sleep all you want and you’ll feel better.”