Page 66 of The Head Game

“Okay. I’ll be good.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it.”

“No, I’ll be sooo good for you, Auggie.” Nico licked his dry, cracked lips. He needed a toothbrush because he wanted to kiss August’s face and he couldn’t when his mouth tasted terrible. “C’mere.”

Nico fumbled, trying to reach for the front of August’s shirt but he couldn’t quite get all his muscles moving right.

August captured his hand and held it tight. “I’m here.”

“No. Closer. Need to …” But a yawn cut off his words.

“Maybe you should rest for a bit,” August said. He stroked the back of his fingers across Nico’s cheek and Nico leaned into it.

“I’m tired,” Nico admitted. “Will you stay with me? Be here when I wake up?”

“Yeah.” August kept sliding his fingers across his cheek, soft and gentle. “I’ll be here.”

Feeling safe, Nico let himself slip back into sleep.

* * *

August and Skylar stayed in Nico’s room for an hour or so, but the nurse asked them to leave while she tended to Nico’s needs and put him through some neurological tests.

The waiting area was empty when they stepped inside.

Isa and Pieter had gone downstairs to meet with Anika and Noor and discuss what they were doing next.

“Well, it’s good to know removing a chunk of his brain didn’t change who Nico is. He’s still a flirty bastard,” Skylar said with a relieved sigh.

August laughed shakily. “Yeah.”

Kate had gone off to prepare for another press conference to update the public on Nico’s successful surgery, and it was just August and Skylar at the moment.

Skylar shot him a speculative glance. “I noticed you were quite the doting fiancé in there.”

August looked away. “Nico was confused … I didn’t want to …”

August didn’t know what had come over him. He’d just been relieved to see Nico awake and talking and alive.

“Mmhmm. Sure.” She shot him a skeptical look.

“What was I supposed to do?” he protested. “And you’re the one who got me into this.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, don’t blame me. You’d already told the nurse you were his fiancé by the time I got here.”

“Yeah, but you’re the one who convinced me to stay and then let the doctor think that’s who I was and didn’t warn me when Nico’s parents showed up. And then acted like I should play along when I was going to admit the truth!”

Okay, maybe he did blame her. Yeah, he’d started this car rolling downhill but he’d been prepared to leap out half a dozen times.

Skylar had locked the door and hit the gas pedal.

“Damn it. I was hoping you’d forget that part.” She grinned. “I’m just saying, maybe you didn’t need too many nudges to pretend.”

“I …” Okay, August didn’t know how to justify the way he’d acted in Nico’s hospital room. Only Nico had seemed very … vulnerable and sweet and August had … responded. He let out a heavy sigh. “Maybe I didn’t.”

Relief had replaced all the anger he’d felt toward Nico previously.

Looking at Nico’s bandaged head and the confused but trusting expression in his wide blue eyes had brought up tender feelings.