Page 64 of The Head Game

“Sky?” he asked, something about the nickname she’d used jogging his memory and making a couple of things fall into place.

“Yeah, it’s me.” She wiped her face.

“Why’re you crying? You shouldn’t do that. Makes your makeup all messy. You don’t like that.”

She sniffled. “I was so scared. I thought I might lose you.”

He studied her. He could remember what her mouth felt like when he kissed it. Could remember her in his bed, naked and tan. But it felt … not quite right. “Are we …?”

“Best friends,” she said firmly. “We used to be together but it’s been a long time since it was like that with us.”

He looked down, seeing the swell of her stomach and knowing it felt familiar too. “You’re having a baby.”

“Yeah. And you’re going to be Uncle Nico.”

He nodded. That sounded right. “Yeah. Uncle Nico. I like that.”

Nico turned and looked at the guy. “Recognize you. Can’t think of your name,” he managed.

The guy smiled and ohh, he was even prettier now. Nico liked it when he smiled.

He let out a soft little laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Nico blinked. “Did I say that aloud?”

“Yeah, you did.”

“Who are you?” Nico groped for his hand. “I should know you. My head …”

“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t push it,” the guy said, gently touching his hand. “You’ll remember eventually. You don’t have to force it.”

“They cut my head open. Surprised they found anything inside.” Nico laughed but when he reached up and touched his head, he frowned when he found short hair instead of the length he expected.

“They cut my hair,” he said mournfully. “Oh no. I’m not pretty anymore.”

Skylar laughed wetly. “You’re still pretty, Nics.”

Nico turned to the guy. “Do you think I’m pretty?”

“You’re not bad.”

“Oh no. That means it’s terrible.” Nico didn’t like that at all.

“No.” The guy touched his head, his fingers barely skimming over the shorn hair. “I was just teasing, I promise. You look good like this.”

“Yeah? Even with a hole in my head?”

Skylar laughed. “Not a hole, Nico. They stapled it up and there’s a bandage. It’s all neat and clean.”

“Oh.” Nico explored until he felt the edge of the tape. “Okay.”

He looked at the guy again. “I know you,” he insisted, touching the bandage again as if it would somehow make his brain work better.

The guy reached out and took Nico’s hand, gently pulling it away from his head. “Yeah. It’s me, Nico. Your favorite referee.” His voice was very soft.

That triggered something in Nico’s mind. “Auggie?” he managed and relief washed over the man’s face.

“You know I hate that nickname,” August said, but his voice was soft and so were his fingertips on the back of Nico’s hand.