Page 56 of The Head Game

“I bet you’re more than that.”

“I like to think so but …”

“Okay, so tell me this,” August said, shifting to get a better look at her face. “How did a billionaire heiress become an influencer? And what exactly do you influence?”

Skylar laughed again. “Honestly, I was sick of all of the family stuff. The expectations I’d take over the company and all that. I don’t want to be some figurehead to a massive corporation that’s all about sucking as much profit out of the earth as they can. Obviously, I have a pretty huge social media following.”


She gave him a lopsided little smile. “Look, I’m a pretty, rich blonde. I don’t have to do much more than exist to get attention.”

“True.” August had never paid close attention when Jules gushed about how amazing she was, but he did so now. She was quite lovely, with big brown eyes, a sprinkle of freckles across her upturned nose, and long wavy blonde hair.

“I had a platform and I started to … I don’t know, talk about stuff that interested me. I discussed companies and products that were environmentally sustainable and stuff, and it kind of took off. I get behind a lot of causes and throw money at them and push for changes in legislation and it’s all good but …” She hesitated. “I always want to do more.”

“Huh. You should talk to my brother. He’s way into that stuff.” Julius was as single-minded about environmental activism as August was about hockey.

“Sure. After I tell him to his face he won’t hold up as well as you and break his heart.”

August laughed.

Skylar smothered a yawn behind her hand. “Sorry. I left Toronto pretty early this morning. It took me forever to get through at the border.”

“Yeah, I’ve been up all night too.”

“You really were that worried about him?”

August nodded. Terror was the only word for it.

They lapsed into silence for a little while before Skylar yawned again, setting August off.

August rose to his feet, eyes watering with exhaustion. “Okay, I need to get up and move or I’m going to fall asleep here. I think I might go for a short walk. Want to join me?”

Skylar shook her head. “The cat is probably out of the bag with this pregnancy already but I’d like to avoid as many pictures as possible. I still haven’t told my parents I’m knocked up so I’m not jazzed about fan pics going up on social media and hitting the gossip pages.”

August grimaced. “I would imagine. I don’t know how you stand it.”

Skylar looked up at him, her big dark eyes wide. “I never had a choice. When you’re the heir of the biggest fortune in Toronto …”

“Right.” August nodded, grateful for his entirely boring middle-class upbringing. No one had ever paid attention to what he was doing unless he was playing hockey. “I stayed out of all that until I made the mistake of kissing Nico in an alley.”

“Happens to the best of us,” Skylar said, her eyes sparkling now.

“I suppose.” August shrugged out of his coat. “Now that you mention it, I think I’d better leave this stupid thing here, eh?”

“Good idea.”

“Do you want anything to eat or drink while I’m up wandering? There was a coffee shop in the lobby and there must be a cafeteria around here somewhere.”

“A decaf iced latte if you can find one. Oat milk, if they have it, dairy if not.”

“I can do that. Anything else?”

She bit her lip. “Okay, this is weird but I’m totally craving nachos. If you can get your hands on any, I’d love you forever.”

“Well, in that case, I guess I’ll have to find some.” August glanced at his watch. “It’s probably not lunchtime yet but I’ll see what I can do.”
