Page 38 of The Head Game

“He’s something all right,” August grumbled and stepped into the locker room.

If he made it through this game without killing Nico Arents, it would be a miracle.

* * *

Nico’s head was pounding by the time the puck dropped for the start of the game against the Buffalo Beavers.

Lately, the lights had been bothering him. He’d switched to a tinted visor for the game tonight in the hope it would help.

Pete had given him a concerned look when he’d requested it but Nico had assured their equipment manager he was fine.

It wasn’t enough to help though and Nico had to grit his teeth to focus well enough to track the puck. Everything felt kinda fuzzy and indistinct around the edges, like his brain was underwater or he was slipping into sleep.

After a couple of bad turnovers in his first shift, he hit the bench and Coach Casey leaned over. “You okay, Arents? You’re looking a little off out there.”

“Sorry. I’ll get it together. Just a headache.”

On the other side of Matty, Dustin shot him a concerned look, which Nico ignored. Yes, yes, he needed to talk to Dr. Strickland but he wasn’t going to do that now.

Nico pulled himself together for the next few shifts and managed an assist but he cursed when he almost missed a line change, which led to a too many men on the ice penalty and a goal for Buffalo.

Desperately trying to get back on track, Nico skated hard, ignoring the pounding in his temple as their opponents took possession of the puck on the blue line.

As he pivoted to skate to the defensive zone, he collided with Buffalo’s center, Leo Hawkins.

Nico fell to the ice on his side, winded, the pain in his shoulder only registering a few beats after. He shook his head and rolled onto his back, breathing hard. An official’s whistle blew with a short, sharp blast and the crowd erupted with mingled cheers and boos.

A fight started behind Nico, the noise of the crowd rising as he tried to get to his feet, afraid he’d get tangled up in the mess, but his feet went out from under him.

Nico’s head spun, everything a little wobbly as Matty slammed Hawkins against the glass, screaming something in his face.

One of the linesmen approached. “You okay, Arents? You need the medics?”

“No,” he groaned and the linesman helped him to his feet. “I’ll be fine.”

The other three officials broke up the fight and after, all four of them huddled together, discussing the penalty, Dustin coming out on the ice to confer with them.

August shook his head and made a gesture Nico couldn’t quite identify.

Matty skated up, grabbing onto Nico’s waist so they wouldn’t drift apart. “Shit. You okay, bud? That was a hard one.”

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

“Oh yeah. Wasn’t that bad of a hit,” Nico assured him, rolling his shoulders. “The bruises should be interesting tomorrow though.”

Matty grinned. “Glad to hear it.”

He patted Nico on the butt and they stood there in silence a moment, resting on their sticks, waiting for the officials to finish conferring.

Eventually, August assigned penalties to both teams for fighting.

Dustin did his duty as captain and argued but they wouldn’t be swayed.

Nico wasn’t too mad. He definitely hadn’t had his head up like he should have.

Game play resumed, but the first period was nearly over and there were only a few seconds left on the clock by the time everyone was out of the box.