“Before you spaced out, I was saying that I don’t think we’re going to have any issues. Ditch the coat and we’ll be fine.”
“There’s nothing else we can do?”
“Not that I can think of.”
The phone fell silent.
“So, Auggie, how do you feel about phone sex?”
“I’m hanging up now.”
“Good idea. Sexting is much hotter. Ooh, or we could do a video call—”
With a loud huff of annoyance, August hung up.
Nico Arents was the most infuriating human August had ever met but they were in agreement on one thing. The peacoat had to go.
There was no way August could get caught wearing that around the arenas. He had a perfectly serviceable gray wool coat that would work instead. At least it wouldn’t get him in trouble.
August stalked over to the closet and pulled the blue coat off the hanger. He ground his teeth together as he folded it.
It was too flashy anyway. He never should have bought it.
He’d chalk it up to a stupid mistake. Like sleeping with Nico in the first place.
August stuffed the coat into a bag, then carried it out to his car, shivering because he’d gone out in a T-shirt, cardigan, and jeans, which was not warm enough for this time of year.
August dropped the bag in his trunk. He’d stop by the thrift store tomorrow when he ran errands.
With a plan in place, he felt lighter as he returned to his house.
He was never going to have to look at the coat again and he’d chalk everything connected to that night up as a learning experience.
His life would return to normal, and as for Nico, August would only have to see him on the ice.
“Hey, Manning, someone’s out in the hall wanting to talk to you. You have a minute?”
August looked up from his book and squinted in confusion at the security officer who’d stuck his head into the lounge.
August had friends around the country but who did he know in Buffalo?
“Sure,” he said, tucking his bookmark between the pages. “Thank you, Will.”
When August stepped through the doors, the last person he expected to see was Nico lounging in the hallway. He was dressed casually, wearing baggy sweats and a snug black Fisher Cats T-shirt.
He straightened from his slouch against the wall, his expression brightening. “Hey, good. You are here. I was hoping I’d catch you.”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” August seethed.
He grabbed Nico’s elbow and tugged him away from the door and around the corner, out of earshot of the security officer.
August tried a couple of knobs before he found one that opened. When he flicked on the light and peered inside, there were some cleaning and other janitorial supplies. Perfect.
He glanced up and down the hallway before grabbing Nico’s arm again.