Nico Arents Moves on From Skylar Hanley with Mystery Man
After Arents and Hanley spent the summer together, speculation was that the defenseman and socialite-turned-influencer’s relationship had heated up again. In a statement Hanley put out on social media several weeks ago, she seemed more amused by the idea than anything. “God no. Nico’s been a great friend while I go through some personal stuff but seriously, people, we are not together. I have too much going on right now to worry about any man, much less a disaster like Nics.”
Although Nico Arents has been lying low since, he obviously wasn’t too hurt by Skylar’s public denial of their romance.
Following the Toronto Fisher Cats game against the Evanston River Otters, the Fisher Cat defenseman was spotted in a heated embrace with a mystery man on Saturday night.
The pair were filmed tucked in an alley near the arena where the Otters celebrated a jersey retirement ceremony for Anders Lindholm, Zane Murphy, and Ryan Hartinger at last night’s game.
Several Fisher Cats were confirmed to be in attendance at the after-party, including Arents.
The slightly blurry fan video reveals Arents passionately kissing someone with short dark hair, then dropping to his knees …
Despite the recent cold snap, there was no shortage of heat in Evanston last night. But who is Nico’s mystery man?
Although his face is never visible, he wears what appears to be a blue peacoat with brass buttons.
One source claims they recognize the distinctive coat and stated, “I can’t say for 100% sure the guy in the photo is who I’m thinking of but someone within the league definitely wears that coat. And I’m not talking about a player.”
So who is he? Someone in the head office? A trainer? Referee? Coach?
With the Code of Conduct finally passed by the league, Nico and his new beau had better be careful before they both end up in hot water …
“Who. Is. He?” Kate asked between gritted teeth.
Nico shrugged. “No one important.”
Kate pinched the bridge of her nose. “Nico—”
“I’m not giving you his name.”
“He is someone in the league though?”
“Not a player,” Nico hedged.
“Of course not. Because that would be too simple.” She let out a noise of frustration. “Give me his name. Please.”
“Look, I don’t feel good about giving out queer people’s names,” Nico argued. “I don’t know that he’s out.”
Kate winced. “Okay. I respect that. Can you at least give me his role within the league so I know how catastrophic this could be?”
“Uhh. No?”
Kate looked at the ceiling. “What did I do in a past life to deserve dealing with this?” she muttered.
“Look, I get it. I made bad choices,” Nico said with a sigh. “It wasn’t supposed to end up on the gossip pages.”
“It never is, Nico! No one is ever trying to get their personal life splashed all over the internet—well, no, that’s not true—but you know what I mean.”
He nodded. Sure, there were people who had publicists who made sure stuff got “leaked” and went viral. But for the most part, especially in sports, the people who ended up all over gossip blogs didn’t want to be there.
Kate took a deep breath. “I appreciate you went to a hotel after the kiss and I can see your cracked phone screen so I believe you dropped your phone and it wasn’t a blowjob in an alley, but I do not like the speculation about this, Nico.”
“They can’t prove anything though,” Nico argued.
“Not until someone digs up a picture of this mystery guy wearing that coat and puts the pieces together!”