Page 203 of The Head Game

“There’s always Europe,” August agreed. “Hey, did I ever tell you about the nude gay beach in Greece I went to when I was seventeen? I wasn’t supposed to be there but I was very curious …”

“Auggie!” Nico feigned a look of shock. “How scandalous.”

“I snuck away from my family to do it,” August admitted. “Jules had to cover for me.”

“I love that.” Nico kissed him. “Gah, I am so excited.”

“About what?” August asked, amused.

“Everything! Life. All of the stuff we can do together.”

“Me too,” August said, looking into Nico’s eyes, his chest full with love and happiness. “Me too.”

“Kiss me, Auggie,” Nico begged and August did, because how could he not?

Nico slid a hand into August’s hair and they made out for a while, mostly grinding against each other now, kissing until August’s lips tingled and he was achingly aroused.

Nico froze, pulling back. “Oh my God, feel this.”

He grabbed August’s hand and slid it between their bodies to where he was very, very hard. The hardest he’d been since before the surgery.

“Nico!” August hissed but his eyes widened. “Oh. Oh wow.”

“I know, right?” Nico grinned. “We need to get home. Now. I need to fuck you.”

“What’s the rush?” August said, laughing. Nico had fucked August before this, of course. Cock rings were a wonderful thing.

But August was mostly teasing. He understood why Nico was excited.

He’d been off the medication for a while and had been a little disappointed when that didn’t fix the issue immediately. They’d talked to the doctor, who’d explained that sometimes erectile dysfunction happened after surgeries in the right hemisphere of the brain.

Nico had taken the news as well as could be expected.

“Doesn’t matter, right?” Nico had said, his eyes big and earnest. “You’ll still love me no matter what?”

“Of course I will,” August had assured him.

Nico hadn’t seemed worried about it since, but this was an exciting new development.

“C’mon, let’s go.” Nico tugged at him. “I don’t want to waste this. We don’t know if it’ll happen again or how often. I don’t want to take any chances.”

Laughing, August kissed Nico before stepping back and taking his hand. “Lead the way.”

* * *

“On your stomach,” Nico whispered, coaxing August to roll onto his belly.

He took a moment to admire August’s body, all stretched out on the white sheets.

They hadn’t made it as far as their condo. They’d passed a hotel on their way to the parking garage and Nico had dragged August inside.

August had looked amused when he checked in under the name of Roger Hauer but as they made out in the elevator, August had admitted he was too worked up to wait.

In the time it would have taken them to get home, Nico already had August naked and in bed.

Nico made fabulous life choices if he did say so himself.

And he was still hard! This was the best night of his life.