Marty laughed and slapped August on the shoulder. “It’s very flattering. I hope Marty the Fish is doing well.”
“He is,” August said, still looking a little dazed. “We actually got him a companion recently.”
“Always a good thing,” Marty-Not-the-Fish said with a broad grin. “Kate says you and Nico here just moved in together.”
August tensed but Marty had always been supportive of the out guys on the team. Besides, Nico would never introduce August to someone who’d be a jerk to him.
“Well, officially, yes,” Nico said, smiling. “We’ve pretty much been living together since my surgery, but Auggie’s house in Hamilton sold and we’re both officially here in Toronto now.”
“Congratulations. I’m happy for you both. Nico here is a great kid and he’s lucky he had you while he was recovering.”
“I feel like we’re both pretty lucky,” August said.
“That’s the spirit.” Marty said, slapping his shoulder again. “You know, when Kate told me about the two of you, I tried to think if there were any referees I’d have wanted sliding into my crease and I don’t think there were. They were real ugly sons of bitches though. You got yourself a handsome one here, Nico.”
Marty winked.
Nico stifled a laugh when August looked like he was about to faint. But Nico wasn’t sure whether it was that his idol had called him handsome or because he’d made a dirty joke. A gay dirty joke.
“Yeah, I think so too,” Nico agreed.
August didn’t seem to be able to manage any words for a moment.
They spoke for a little while longer before Martin excused himself. “Well, I’m supposed to meet up with some old friends shortly. How about we grab some lunch sometime while I’m in town, August?”
“I … I’d love that, sir, I mean, Marty,” August said, clearly still flustered. “I mean, that would be great.”
August was wide-eyed the whole time they exchanged numbers, and they both got hugs and hearty handshakes from the Hall of Famer.
When he was gone, August collapsed into a chair. “Wow. I can’t believe that just happened.”
Kate grinned. “Nico and I thought you’d enjoy meeting your idol.”
“Enjoy … I—I’m over the moon. Thank you so much.”
“Was it everything you’d hoped for?” Nico asked.
“And more. He wants to have lunch with me, Nico. Did you hear that or did I dream it?”
Amused, Nico grinned. “I heard it too.”
August scrambled to his feet. “And you arranged this?”
“With some help from Kate, yeah. But I had the idea when she mentioned her dad was going to be in town.”
“Oh my God, I love you.”
Before Nico could blink, August captured his mouth in a heated kiss. Never one to turn that down, Nico kissed him back, winding his arms around August’s neck.
“Excuse me.” Kate cleared her throat and, reluctantly, Nico drew back. “I’m delighted you two are together for real—if nothing else, it means fewer chances for Nico to do something that’ll land the team in a messy sex scandal—however, I do not need to see you swap spit in my office.”
“I don’t know about avoiding scandals,” Nico teased. “We’ve talked about going to a sex club in Amsterdam in the off-season.”
“I don’t want to hear about it.” Kate covered her ears for a moment but her eyes twinkled. “That’s between you and the Dutch. Just don’t get photographed doing it. Now shoo. I’ve had quite enough of you both.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Nico said with a wink. “We should be able to find a nice little storage closet here to get freaky in, don’t you think, Auggie?”
August laughed. Kate did not.