Page 191 of The Head Game

“Did it leave scars on you?”

“Yeah.” August’s voice was a little rough. “I don’t know that I’ll ever get that image out of my head. Or forget what it felt like. It’s almost worse now that I know you and love you. Because all I can think of is how close I came to losing you.”

“I’m so sorry.” Nico reached up and touched August’s face.

“Don’t be sorry.” August rubbed softly at Nico’s scalp. “Just know there’s a reason everyone’s a little overprotective of you right now.”

“I get it now,” Nico said. “I do.”

“We’re glad you’re safe and in one piece.”

“Maybe …” Nico swallowed. “Maybe we should all talk to someone about it.”

August was silent about it for a moment before he nodded. “Maybe we should.”

The door opening made Nico lift his head and he heard familiar voices.

“Mom?” he croaked. He disentangled himself from August and walked across the condo.

Isa stood in the entryway, slipping off her coat, and she let out a startled sound when Nico wrapped his arms around her. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry,” Nico whispered. “I’m so sorry I scared you guys.”

It all came out in a rush after that as Nico explained that he’d finally watched the footage from the game in Buffalo.

He kept tripping over his words as he tried to tell all four of his parents how sorry he was for being mad at them for trying to take care of him.

“I thought you were treating me like a kid or didn’t think I could take care of myself anymore, but I get it now. I do.”

Isa looked at him tenderly and pulled him in for a hug. He got a hug from his father and Anika and Noor too, and there were a few tears before someone said, “Where is August?”

“Uh, right here,” August said, stepping closer. “I didn’t want to intrude.”

Isa made a clucking noise. “How could you intrude? You’re family.”

“Yeah, about that,” Nico said.

He glanced over at August who nodded. They’d agreed to tell his parents the truth.

“We kinda lied,” Nico admitted. “We weren’t engaged before.”

Pieter laughed. “We know.”

“What?” Nico stared. “But … how …”

Isa shook her head. “Oh, sweetheart, it was obvious. I mean, I was very amused when you tried to keep up appearances but did you expect us to believe August called you muffin?”

August grimaced. “Not one of my finer moments.”

“Mrrowp?” Nico laughed and glanced down to see Miss Muffins staring up at them quizzically, swishing her big fluffy tail.

“Oh, not you,” Nico said as he picked her up and draped her over his shoulder where she immediately began purring. The vet had said she was at least part ragdoll breed. An apt name for a cat who went completely limp whenever she was picked up and carried around. “We weren’t talking about you, kitty. Though that is where I got your name from, you silly thing.”

Anika reached out and petted Miss Muffins with a smile. “Isa and Pieter are right though. None of us truly believed you two were engaged.”

“But … why … you treated us like we were,” Nico sputtered.

Noor grinned. “You seemed so happy with your little story and it was apparent to all of us that while you might not have actually been engaged before the surgery, you clearly had feelings for each other.”