Page 189 of The Head Game

“I get why it’s tempting to think that. But I think it was down to the choices we both made.”

“Well, I’m glad you chose right then.”

August smiled. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. Being with me is obviously the right choice.”

“Being with you, yes. I’m still not sure lying to people is ever the right choice but I am starting to see that sometimes making what feels like the wrong choice works out for the best in the end.”

“The ends justify the means,” Nico said sagely.

“Very Machiavellian of you,” August said.


And August shook his head, smiling, because it was so like Nico to paraphrase a long-dead political philosopher without actually knowing who he was.

Coles Notes indeed.

“It’s a strange feeling to realize all of my goals changed when I wasn’t looking. But I’m starting to think maybe it’s good to discover all these new sides of myself. And choosing to let those plans change to fit my relationship with you … well, that feels pretty good too.”

“Oh, Auggie. You’re so sweet. That might be an even bigger grand gesture than you rushing to be by my side in the hospital …” He slapped at August’s leg like he was so excited he couldn’t contain himself. “Ooh, wait, I figured it out. I know the perfect job for you.”

“What’s that?” August asked, amused, already knowing it was going to be something absurd.

“You can write rom-com movies!”

August snorted. “Not gonna happen.”

“Oh come on, you’re a secret romantic. You know you are.”

“For you, maybe,” August said with a grin. “Doesn’t mean I plan to share that with the rest of the world.”

* * *

Nico had gotten comfortable with his head on August’s lap again when he remembered what he’d originally been planning to do. “Wait. How did we get distracted? I was going to blow you.”

“I reminded you your parents are due back any time with dinner.”

“Oh, right.” Nico said, deflating. “I’d be more excited about them leaving soon but I know I’m going to get like eighty texts a day. Nico, have you taken your meds? Nico, have you done your exercises? Nico, are you eating the blandest food in the history of ever?”

“It isn’t going to be that bad.”

“It is,” Nico said darkly. “It totally is.”

“Well, you know why they’re like this.”

“Yes, yes, they thought I was dying. I get it. I really do.”

August started to say something, then hesitated.

“What?” Nico prompted. “Just spit it out.”

“You say you understand why they were so afraid but I’m not sure you do.”

Nico tried not to bristle. “Why?”

“Because I don’t think anyone can understand unless they saw what happened. You have your own experiences of that hit and the seizure you had after, and I’m not minimizing it, but you don’t know what it was like to watch it happen and be helpless—” He let out a little choking noise.