Nico crossed his arms. “I’m not taking Marty or Miss Muffins to a sex dungeon. They’re not old enough.”
The corner of August’s mouth lifted. “Nico …”
Hope kindled in Nico’s heart. There he was. There was the August Nico knew.
Nico stepped forward, resting a hand on August’s chest. “We’ll set up a tank for Marty in the living room right here and we’ll build a screened-in space for Miss Muffins on the balcony so she can enjoy the fresh air there and it was only one sex dungeon, August. One.”
“So they’re not like … something you need?”The hope in August’s voice made Nico feel soft but he still shook his head at what an idiot he was being.
Nico snorted and looped his arms around August’s neck, the ring still clutched in his fist.
“No. It was a fun experience and I actually don’t hate the idea of people watching you fuck me sometime, if that was something you wanted, but I don’t need it. I don’t need to be with anyone else either. I need you. The hookups in the past were fun, you know? They were great. But they’re not you. They could never be you.”
Nico’s eyes burned and he whispered, “They never made me feel the way you do.”
August cupped his cheek, his gaze so filled with hope and fear that Nico’s heart ached. “You mean it.”
“I mean it,” Nico swore. “Don’t make me propose to you again. You know I’ll do it.”
August laughed. “I didn’t think you’d want me.”
“I want you so much,” Nico whispered. “I need you to believe it. It’s not because of my head or because of the scar or any of the rest of it. But because you’re you. Because I love you so much I don’t know what to do with it. Because I’d rather live with you and Marty and Miss Muffins in Hamilton and never play hockey again than have all of the condos and trips to Europe.”
“I mean it, Auggie. I have already packed more into twenty-six years of my life than most people do in a lifetime. But being with you doesn’t feel like I’m giving up anything. It feels like … a new adventure.”
“And you’re not going to get bored when the newness wears off?” August’s voice cracked.
“No. I’m going to drag you along on the adventures with me. We’ll go … ride camels in Egypt in the off-season together or something. I don’t know. I don’t have to have that all planned out now. But I do want to know that whatever I do, you’re going to be the one beside me while I do it.”
“Nico …” That lingering fear in August’s eyes made Nico’s chest ache. “I don’t have anything to offer you. I have no job, no future …”
“What if all I want is you?”
August shuddered and buried his head against Nico’s shoulder.
Nico rocked him back and forth, holding him tight as he whispered, “I don’t care that you don’t know what you’re going to do with your life. You are so smart, so driven. You could do anything you want. Hell, if you want to play pro hockey now, I’ll get you a tryout with a team. I could pull some strings. You’re not ready for the NHL but maybe you’d make it on to an AHL squad or something and …”
“No.” August lifted his head, his expression calm and steady now. “No, it’s tempting but I don’t want that life. I made my decision when I was sixteen and it’s okay it never happened. I don’t need a redo there.”
August released a shaky breath but his gaze was steadier. “And maybe it doesn’t quite feel that way yet but someday I’ll be okay with the idea that my officiating career is over too. Right now, it hurts. A lot. But I’ll be okay. Eventually.”
“I still think you should leave that window open as a possibility if you change your mind but either way, we’ll figure out a new plan for you in the meantime,” Nico promised. “A new career.”
August smiled faintly. “Maybe I’ll be your sugar baby after all. Or raise the kids.”
Nico eyeballed him, picturing it. August really was jumping in with both feet now. Well, that was exciting. “How many are we having?”
“I don’t know. A couple? Be warned, twins run in the family.”
Nico laughed, relieved. “Maybe give me a little time to just be Uncle Nico first then, yeah?”
Nico liked adventure but he was kind of okay with taking that part a little slower.
“Yeah,” August said. And he looked peaceful. Happy. Like himself again. “Yeah, we’ll be Uncle Nico and Uncle August for a while. I’d be okay with that.”
Nico wet his lips as he pulled back and opened his fist. The diamond ring lay in his palm. “Think you’d maybe want to keep wearing this?”