The sound of people walking by drifted into the alley, a quick sharp rap of heels on the sidewalk and softer, heavier footfalls.
August placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away, though their lower bodies were still pressed together. “Of course not. We can’t … not here.”
“We both have hotel rooms, right?” Nico countered because while he wasn’t opposed to an alley blowjob—it certainly wouldn’t be his first—it was cold and would only get colder as the night went on.
The sweat Nico had worked up while he made out with August felt clammy on the back of his neck now and if he were August, he wouldn’t want to get his dick wet in sub-zero temps.
Though Nico supposed it would be like the reverse of sucking on an ice cube then going down on someone.
That Nico had tried and very much enjoyed.
There was also that whole Kate-killing-him thing somewhere in the back of his head reminding him not to get distracted and do something stupid.
“Are you insane?” August hissed, pushing at his chest. “I’m not going back to the hotel the team’s staying in.”
“So we’ll go back to yours.” Nico shrugged. Little details to be worked out but nothing more than that.
“We’re not going anywhere together. Do you want to get caught?”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Nico muttered, annoyed by the hot and cold attitude. “Why do I even want you anyway? You’re so fucking uptight.”
A flicker of something crossed August’s face before he leaned in, taking Nico’s mouth in another rough, desperate kiss. It was hot and deep enough to wipe all thoughts from Nico’s brain except the urge to fuck.
He snaked a hand between their bodies again, cupping August’s dick and palming the length, rubbing. August shuddered, biting at Nico’s lip, shoving against him, seeking more.
They made out until Nico’s lips tingled and he panted, desperate for breath. He drew back, staring August in the eye.
“C’mon, there’s gotta be something we can do,” he countered, still teasing August’s hard cock, rubbing his thumb across the tip and wondering if it was starting to leak through the fabric yet. “How about this? I’ll rent a room at a hotel neither of us are staying at. You can meet me there. And I’ll blow you and your mind.”
August hesitated a second but he closed his eyes, grinding into the touch. With a shuddering sigh, he nodded. “Fine. But just this one time. After that, we forget this happened.”
Nico refrained from reminding him that after a round in bed, August was going to be begging for more.
He’d find out soon enough.
“Fine.” Nico stepped back, letting go of August’s hard cock, mourning the loss of pressure against his own dick, eager behind the fly of his trousers.
Nico pulled his phone out of his pocket, quickly searching for a hotel.
It took a few minutes for him to choose one and book it and his hands were aching from the cold by the time he was done.
He flicked his gaze up to meet August’s.
He looked … well, Nico couldn’t quite identify the look on his face. Severe, maybe. Almost disapproving.
“I have a room at the Hilton two blocks east and a little north of here,” Nico explained. “I’ll check in, then meet you at the bar there and I can give you the number. You can follow me up to the room fifteen minutes later. In case we run into issues, I’ll check in under an assumed name, Roger Hauer. H-a-u-e-r.”
August stared blankly.
“You know, like the Dutch actor, Rutger Hauer? The replicant in Blade Runner?” he prompted. “Ugh, never mind. I’m just saying it’ll be like spy shit. Totally discreet. No one will ever know.”
August rolled his eyes. “You’re gonna make me regret this, aren’t you?”
Nico scoffed. “You won’t regret it after I suck your brains out through your dick.” He leaned in for another kiss but August shoved at his chest.
“Get the hell out of here. I’ll meet you at the hotel.”
Startled, Nico fumbled the phone. It slipped from his cold, numb fingers and fell to the ground with a clatter.