Page 178 of The Head Game

The truth was, Nico probably just needed August during this crisis. He probably needed someone steady to rely on. Someone who wouldn’t judge when he was at less than his ideal self.

But would Nico still want him when he was fully healed? When his life returned to normal?

August nearly scoffed aloud. Why would he?

August knew who and what he was. He wasn’t flashy like Nico. He didn’t belong in the world where people like Nico and Skylar lived.

August would live in his quiet house with a fish named Marty, and Nico would go on to dazzle and charm everyone he encountered.

“Auggie?” Nico stepped close, still smiling, Miss Muffins cradled against his chest. “Dance with us?”

August stepped forward and took them both in his arms because what else could he do? He loved Nico and he was going to lose him.

Nico made a soft, contented sound and August reached out, running a hand across his cheek, his throat growing tight with emotion.

I love you, Nico, he thought and his eyes stung as he remembered telling Nico it wasn’t likely he’d fall in love with him.

He’d been so wrong.

They’d probably both look back on this time with a certain amount of nostalgia. It had been good. It was good.

It would be good right up until the end.

But August couldn’t let himself imagine it would ever be anything more.

* * *

After a few minutes of slow dancing, Miss Muffins shot a disgruntled look at them both, squirmed onto Nico’s shoulder, and launched herself at the couch with an annoyed mrowp where she swished her tail in displeasure, then sat to groom herself.

Nico chuckled softly and slid closer, tightening his grip on August.

“This is perfect, isn’t it?” Nico whispered after a few minutes. “I’m glad we got snowed in for Christmas.”

August made a low sound of agreement against Nico’s hair, swaying a little.

The lights were low except the ones glowing on the Christmas tree, and when Nico rested his head against August’s strong shoulder, his sweater vest was soft against Nico’s cheek.

But August was sad and Nico wasn’t sure why.

It seemed like more than the job situation, more than missing his family at the holidays.

And he refused to talk about it.

Nico had tried to cheer him up all day. He’d put on a Christmas playlist and decorated the house and tried to make him laugh, but August’s smile never quite reached his eyes.

His arms were warm and tight around Nico’s shoulders and he said all of the right words, but there was something there between them, some invisible something Nico couldn’t quite put his finger on.

He wanted to crack a joke about August not being as bad of a dancer as he’d expected but it felt all wrong.

So Nico held on tighter.

Eventually, August let out a low noise and Nico tilted his head until their lips met. The kiss held the flavor of that something Nico couldn’t identify but it was sweet too.

Sweet until it wasn’t, sweet until it turned deep and needy.

Nico gasped and threaded his hand through August’s hair. His heart racing as they kissed deeply, August roamed his hands across Nico’s body.

There was a desperation to his touch that made Nico’s blood heat.