* * *
“Hey, did you see? We made it onto JockGossip again,” Nico said the following afternoon, on their way to the practice arena for the family holiday skate.
“Oh good. We’re up to what? Three, four articles now?”
This was on top of the one Jules had mentioned, unfortunately.
“No, way more than that. There was another whole one on your relationship with Daniel and how he left you at the altar for that actor dude.”
“He didn’t leave me at the altar,” August protested. “He broke up with me before I could propose. You would think they could at least get that right.”
“I’m not sure accuracy of reporting is exactly what they’re concerned with.”
August let out a pained groan. “Just what I always wanted. Internet notoriety.”
“Want me to read the stuff about us to you?”
August sighed. “Sure, why not? Might as well know what they have to say.”
Arents and Manning Spotted on Charming Date in Kensington Market
Despite the recent uproar over the Fisher Cat defenseman and referee’s relationship, it appears Arents and Manning are still very much in love.
They were spotted out and about in Old Toronto on Wednesday afternoon.
Arents shared some of their date on social media, including a lunch of doner kebab, browsing a record store, and later, sharing a chocolate cupcake.
An eagle-eyed fan even snapped several shots of a stolen kiss they shared on the sidewalk.
The following day, Arents also shared a video of them in bed. No, not that kind of video.
This featured Arents and Manning discussing Nico’s recovery and Nico thanking Manning for all he’s done to support him.
One fan said, “I think they’re sweet. I mean, I get why they’re kind of in trouble for the relationship, but they’re so cute together!”
But with word of Manning’s suspension due any day and Arents’ disciplinary hearing looming over them as well, we have to wonder if flaunting their relationship this way is helping or hurting their cause.
“Ugh,” August said with a sigh when he’d finished. “I hadn’t considered that it would look like we were flaunting our relationship.”
“Okay, isn’t that the point? Aren’t we supposed to be?”
“Yeah. But what if it’s making the situation worse?”
“Kate would not steer us wrong,” Nico said. “And she’s the one who sent me a link to the article with a thumbs-up.”
“I guess we’ll have to trust her,” August said with a sigh. And he did trust Kate. He just didn’t trust that there was any way through this situation without him losing his job.
“Honestly, JockGossip is just trying to stir up controversy to get clicks. Don’t worry about it.”
“If you say that’s true, I believe you as well.” Nico knew that world far better than August did.
Nico shot him a smile. “Pics of us are cute though. You’ll have to check them out. We look adorable, Auggie. And the kiss on the street … super hot. You look like you’re about to devour me.”
August swallowed past the thickness in his throat. He’d never been one for celebrity gossip anyway but he hated it even more now. It felt so invasive. He hadn’t noticed people taking their picture.
“Still weirds me out,” he admitted. “Being photographed and talked about.”
“I get that.” Nico reached out and squeezed his thigh. “And it is weird. I’m just used to it. Everything Sky and I did was major news and, well, they still pay a lot of attention to me. I’m sorry I brought this on you though.”