Page 16 of The Head Game

Tension filled the cold night air as Nico slid his hands between their bodies, unbuttoning the heavy brass buttons of August’s coat.

The heat of his body felt good and Nico roamed his hands across August’s flanks, mapping out his musculature beneath his wool suit, need building with every second that passed.

August was solid, firmly muscled, and he responded to Nico’s exploration by sliding his knee between Nico’s thighs.

“Fuck,” Nico muttered against his lips. “Fuck that’s good.”

He reached down, grabbing August’s ass, muscular like the rest of him.

Nico got two good handfuls, hauling their bodies more tightly together, groaning at the pressure it put against his dick where it was trapped against August’s thigh.

August was hard too and Nico allowed himself a moment of triumphant pleasure at the idea of getting under his skin so thoroughly.

“I think I should suck you off,” Nico whispered, dragging damp lips across August’s cheek. He was clean-shaven but the faint prickle of his whiskers tickled Nico’s lips.

“I don’t like you,” August said, drawing back, chest heaving, steam pouring from his mouth in another big puff of air.

“Who said anything about liking each other?” Nico asked, amused.

He’d slept with a lot of people he didn’t like. It was sex, not a marriage proposal.

“Don’t you think you should like the person you’re screwing?”

“No,” Nico said blankly. “Why would I worry about that?”

“Sure, why would you?” August sneered. “You probably don’t even know the names of all the people you’ve fucked.”

Nico definitely didn’t but he didn’t see why that mattered either.

“I know your name,” he countered. “Augustus Ward Manning.”

The name sounded like some nerd from 1952.

He kinda looked it too with thick glossy brown hair he always parted deeply on one side, though that was covered up by a gray wool toque at the moment.

God. August probably wore cardigans in his off time.

Nico was weirdly into it.

It felt like corrupting the uptight librarian or something.

Oooh, maybe August would be into role play. Fun.

“What’d you do, look me up on Wikipedia?” August shot back.

“Maybe.” Nico pressed his lips to the hinge of August’s jaw, refusing to admit that was exactly what he’d done earlier. “But let’s talk more about me blowing you. Did you know I have zero gag reflex?”

“No,” August said, though Nico was amused when his hands tightened reflexively on Nico’s arms. “Is that on your Wikipedia page?”

“Might be,” Nico said with a smirk. He traced the tip of his tongue along the tight muscle of August’s jaw, flicking his tongue to catch the soft fleshy part of his earlobe. “I haven’t checked in a while.”

August shuddered.

“If it’s not, you can always go in and edit it to add that later.”

“Like anyone cares.” August tried to sound like he was sneering but it was ruined by the little hitch in his breath when Nico took his earlobe into his mouth and gently raked his teeth across it.

“Do you want me to blow you or not?” Nico breathed into his ear, enjoying the sharp dig of August’s fingers in his upper arm. He slid a hand under August’s toque, letting it fall to the ground as he threaded his hand through August’s hair, surprisingly silky against his fingers.