Page 147 of The Head Game

Nico grinned. “I told you I could be a pain in your ass if you wanted.”

“I do remember that.”

“Is that something you’d be into?” Nico asked curiously.

“You topping me? Sure. But I’d rather not until you get cleared for more exertion.”

Nico let out a huff but he nodded. “Yeah, okay. I guess you can force me to be a little more responsible.”

August laughed. “I don’t think anyone has ever forced you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

Nico considered the idea. “You might be right.”

“But I think you do a lot of things you don’t actually want to do for people you—well, I was going to say care about. But I suppose I don’t really qualify.”

Nico blinked. “Of course I care about you. I mean, no, this engagement isn’t quite what everyone thinks it is but I care about you. I like you, Auggie. How many times do I have to tell you I’m glad you’re here? You’re team, remember?”

August nodded. “True. You have told me that.”

“And I had a great day today,” Nico said, smiling more. “So I was thinking maybe we could put the unpleasant welcome home aside and wrap up the day with something fun.” Nico smirked and wrapped his leg around August’s hip. “What do you say, fiancé?”

August slid a hand up his back. “I’d say yes, but on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“We do it my way. I’m in charge.”

Nico faked a gasp. “Auggie, I never knew you were into BDSM. I should have known. It’s always the quiet ones … I did go to a sex dungeon in Amsterdam once …”

“Of course you did,” August muttered.

“Meh. Not my thing. Too many rules.”

“Shocker.” August looked him in the eye. “Can you be serious for once?”

“I can try,” Nico said. Which was really the best anyone was going to get from him.

“I mean it. We did a lot today. I just want to make sure you don’t wake up in the middle of the night puking your guts out because you overdid it again.”

Nico sighed but August had a point. That had not been a fun night for anyone. “I’ll be good.”

“And do what I suggest?”

“I’ll give it some serious thought at least.” Nico gave him a cheeky grin.


He widened his eyes. “I’ll be so good, Auggie. I promise.”

“Okay, so you’re going to drink a bunch of water now. And then we’re going to take a nice relaxing bath. And I’m going to give you a massage after.”

“Then you’ll fuck me?” Nico offered hopefully.

August leveled him with a look. “If you’re still feeling up to it.”

“Okay, okay.” Nico laughed. “I’ll behave.”

August pulled away, getting off the bed. He reached for the water bottle on the nightstand. “Drink.”