Julius still teased him about it.
They both ate rather quickly and by the time August sat back in the chair, he was both full and content, all earlier thoughts forgotten. “That was great. Thank you for suggesting this.”
Nico beamed. “This was fun. Definitely a good celebration, Auggie.”
“Glad you enjoyed it.”
They sat around talking about random stuff for a little while.
Nico posted on social media and August did some poking around on his phone, looking for ideas for their next stop on the celebration tour.
When he landed on the perfect place, August rose to his feet. “C’mon, I have something else I want to do today.”
“Yeah?” Nico stood and reached for his coat. “What’s that?”
“You’ll see. It’s a surprise.”
Nico kept shooting him curious glances as they walked down the street.
“What?” August finally asked, beginning to feel self-conscious. “Why are you staring at me?”
“I just … I’ve never seen you so … spontaneous.”
August smiled. “I was … well, you looked happy and I didn’t want that to end. You’ve been through a lot lately.”
Nico stopped and turned to face him. “Aww, Auggie.”
He grabbed the back of August’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. He didn’t linger but August still felt dazed as he pulled away.
“C’mon. We’re almost there.”
As they reached their destination, Nico’s eyes went wide at the sight of the old home painted yellow and turned into a storefront. “You brought me to a record shop?”
“Yeah. Are you into that? I thought you might be. I know you DJ and that’s probably all digital but I remembered you have a vintage record collection in the living room and …”
“So into it.” Nico cackled and reached for his hand. “You are going to regret this so hard when you have to pull me out of here in two hours though.”
“Two hours?” August echoed as he allowed himself to be towed up the steps and into the cramped building full to the brim with old vinyl and memorabilia covering every inch of the walls.
Nico was lost to him the moment they were inside.
He wandered the place, wide-eyed, murmuring under his breath and collecting records like he’d never get another chance to buy one again.
Every time the stack grew too much for him to manage, he absently handed them over to August, who carried them to the checkout counter.
After the third time, August apologized to the older man working the register who grinned and said, “Don’t be sorry. He’s my best customer. I love it when he comes in.”
The man jerked his head to a signed photo of Nico in his Fisher Cats gear on the wall behind him that August hadn’t noticed, mixed in with photos of musicians and actors and various other local celebrities.
It wasn’t quite two hours later when they walked down those same steps but it was close, and while August didn’t entirely regret his choice to bring Nico there, he probably wouldn’t be repeating it today or tomorrow.
The building had gone on forever, with bins and bins of records on multiple floors and stuffed into what had clearly been an attic at one point.
Nico had bought so many records he’d arranged to have most of them delivered to his place. He only carried a bag with a handful of precious ones he wanted to take home immediately.
But it was all worth it when they reached the sidewalk and Nico bumped shoulders with him, smiling broadly. “Great date idea, Auggie.”
He turned and walked away, heading in the direction they’d come from.