Page 122 of The Head Game

“Good thought,” August said. But for some reason he couldn’t quite bring himself to grab it.

He had a sudden feeling of déjà vu as he remembered picking out Daniel’s engagement ring. It had been simpler, something August had been sure he’d love. But the one Kent Parsons had given him was flashier.

It made August wonder if he’d known Daniel at all.

And yet, even Nico knew this blingy band wasn’t August’s style. But it was hugely sentimental to Nico, so it meant more that he’d offered it.

He glanced up, looking Nico in the eye. “I …”

Nico rolled his eyes. “You really gonna make me do it? Okay.”

August stared blankly as Nico dropped to one knee and held out the ring. “Augustus Ward Manning, will you do me the great honor of marrying me and promising to annoy the shit out of each other for the rest of our lives?”

Letting out a startled laugh, August stared down at him. “Nico …”

He grinned back. “C’mon, Auggie, don’t leave me hanging.”

“I … yes?” August said because he wasn’t sure what else to say.

This was fake. It was so fake and they were only doing it because they had to and Nico truly would annoy the shit out of him if they spent their lives together.

And yet …

This meant more to August than he could put into words.

Something about this moment felt oddly weighty, but the feeling inside him was buoyant.

August shouldn’t be happy right now, he shouldn’t feel anything but fear for his future and annoyance at Nico for this ridiculous show he was putting on, but despite that, August’s mouth lifted in a smile.

Maybe it was seeing Nico’s eyes look so bright or maybe it was the knowledge August wasn’t dealing with the fallout from his exploding career alone.

Whatever it was, it made August say, “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you, Nico.” And he was laughing a little and he didn’t know why.

“Give me your hand.” Nico’s eyes sparkled, his smile playful.

Smiling back, August held his left hand out, his heart clenching oddly as Nico slid the ring onto his finger. It was a little snug but it fit.

Nico held on to his fingers still and August didn’t pull away.

He stared down at their clasped hands and the ring on his finger for a moment. The band looked so unfamiliar there, so … flashy and not him.

And yet, it anchored him somehow. Made this whole out of control free-fall he’d been in since Nico fell to the ice—no, maybe the one August had been in since they came face-to-face on that Evanston street—feel like it was slowing.

August wasn’t alone. He wasn’t doing this alone.

He wasn’t facing an uncertain future without any support.

Maybe the promise didn’t mean forever. Maybe this wasn’t love.

Maybe this ring didn’t symbolize what people assumed it did.

But it meant something to August. It meant everything to him.

“Thank you,” he said, a little choked up. “This is …”

But there were no words for how he felt, only gratitude in his heart as he pulled Nico to his feet and kissed him.

He tried to convey everything he felt but couldn’t put into words until Nico went soft and pliant against him, reaching up to touch his face.